Pinworms and Your Child

Pinworms are those nasty little white worms that infest their slimy, tiny bodies into the intestines. I know, not a pleasant topic, but very real especially in children. Do not be surprised if you find that your child has a case of pinworms as 10 to 40 per cent of children get them. The good thing is that they are easily treatable. The first thing that will give you an inkling that your child has pinworms is if you notice them scratching their bottom. This also comes with difficulty sleeping or restless sleeping and wiggling around in their bed a … Continue reading

The One-Bite Rule For Picky Eaters

If you have a child who is a picky eater you probably have spent time worrying that their nutritional needs aren’t being met. I know I have. If you have a child who is a picky eater, you may want to try what’s called the “One- Bite Rule”. Tyler’s father has used it to try and get Tyler to try new things and low and behold, I found out this morning that it’s actually a method suggested by dieticians, nurses and pediatricians. As I was reading my morning email, the current issue of the newsletter, Family Education offered a few … Continue reading

More Quick Parenting Tips

I love great parenting advice and sometimes I find little quick tips and advice sprinkled throughout parenting magazines that I read. In the February 2005 issue of babytalk, for instance, I found these great little gems: (1) Putting oil on cradle cap does not cure it. Doing so only hides the scales. Instead, wash the scalp with baby shampoo and rinse, then apply a selenium-based dandruff shampoo and leave it on for five minutes. Then rinse, dry and brush away the flakes. (2) What’s the best way to burp your baby? According to moms, these methods have worked for them: … Continue reading

Ear Infections- Many Parents Are Taking A Wait and See Approach

When your child has an ear infection the standard procedure is to take them to the doctor for antibiotics. Many parents today and some doctors are taking a wait and see approach to this common childhood illness. Some parents say that using pain relievers and a warm bath works just as well. Some actually get the antibiotics but then don’t use them. Many doctors are also forgoing ear antibiotics, especially for kids under the age of 2. Most ear infections will actually clear up on their own without medical intervention. Antibiotics work on for bacterial infections but some of the … Continue reading