Make Your Home a Spider Free Zone

Though I wouldn’t say I suffer from arachnophobia, I still do not want to co-exist with spiders. Yes, I know they reputedly eat flies and mosquitoes but they can eat them outside, not in my home. Here are some of my hints for making your home a spider no go area. 1. Get the house treated by a pest controller As our house had been vacant for a while before we moved in, a number of spider webs had accumulated outside. One of the first things we did before we moved was to get a pest controller in who went … Continue reading

Is Your Daughter Afraid of Spiders?

The word “scared” doesn’t even come close to describing my preschool daughter’s fear of spiders. “Petrified,” “terror-stricken,” and “alarmed” don’t do her anxiety justice either. It’s nearly impossible to describe in a single word what happens when my otherwise fearless daughter catches sight of eight long black legs scuttling across the floor. Simply put, she freaks out. She screams as though someone was ripping out her hair with his or her bare hands. She can’t (or won’t) run away because she is paralyzed with fear, and she has a hard time uttering anything more than “sp-sp-sp-sp-iiiiiiiiiiiii-DER!” in between huge gasps … Continue reading

What Are You Afraid Of?

Fears are something most of us struggle with. Some of our fears are irrational and we don’t understand where they came from or how to deal with them. It might be a fear of sudden death, heights, spiders, darkness, and mice as some people have mentioned in the forum. Others may have some root cause in childhood or past experiences e.g. a fear of water after nearly drowning. The Bible tells us ‘perfect love casts out fear,’ 1 John 4:18. If we trust in the Lord then we should be able to seek His help in dealing with those fears … Continue reading

Our Fears Are Situational

It seems that every day I learn or discover something new about myself. Being a single mother has helped me grow in ways I never imagined. One huge thing I’ve learned is that fear is situational and what you are afraid of will change depending on where you are in your life. For instance, I’ve always been afraid of spiders, now that I am a single mother, I am the person who has to deal with the spiders. I can’t scream and run into the other room waiting for someone to kill it, I have to kill it. I have … Continue reading

Is It a Spider Bite?

This past weekend was not that fun for me. Friday, my 8-year-old went to a party at a place that has the blowup jumpy houses. He came home, happy and full of birthday cake. Around 8:30, he came over to me to tell me something and I saw a white place on his arm with a red circle around it. Yikes – what was that on my son’s arm? I had his dad look at it and we called his grandpa, who used to be an EMT. After sending him a picture of it, he said it might be a … Continue reading

Birthday Parties to Remember

The countdown to my daughter’s birthday party is on. However, unlike in years past when she decided on a theme for her shindig two weeks after Christmas, this time around the jury is still out. With time ticking I came up with a list of potential themes that I could probably pull off without enlisting Martha Stewart or Colin Cowie’s help. Here are just some of the fun, fun, fun suggestions my daughter will be choosing from: Bugs: My mom is a ladybug fanatic and has all kinds of decorations we could use for the party. Granted, my daughter is … Continue reading

Forget Me Not

There’s a line in the Litany of Humility that references the fear of being forgotten. Upon reading it my 7-year-old instantly remarked that her biggest fear (aside from being bit by a tarantula) is being forgotten. You know; second graders and literal translations. The kid, who has never in the history of the world, ever, ever, ever been left behind, alone, overlooked, neglected, or made to wait even two seconds beyond a scheduled pick-up time is fearful of being forgotten? How could this be? Of course, upon further analysis, I realized that the fear of being forgotten is not exclusive … Continue reading

Strange Potty Breaks

My 5-year-old is not big on using “strange” potties. And by strange I mean public. Automatic-flush toilets freak her out, and wouldn’t you know that nearly every public restroom we’ve ever had to use featured these high-tech commodes. Whereas I appreciate not having to see the remnants of a previous user’s bowels in a public toilet, clearly the designers of automatic-flush potties were not thinking of how scary it would be for a child to sit on a device that sounds as though it could suck them down whole if he or she takes too long going number one (or … Continue reading