Don’t Pay For Convenience

As chaotic as most parents’ lives are, it’s no wonder products such as bagged salad, pre-cut cantaloupe and rotisserie chicken are in high demand. Unfortunately, convenience often comes with a hefty price tag.  Think about how much you spend on items that make your life easier.  Even if you purchase four cheap bags of salad each week for an entire year, you’re looking at paying at least a few hundreds dollars.  You could save money by purchasing a head of lettuce, whole carrots and some celery, and then chopping them up yourself, but how do you put a price tag … Continue reading

Family Fun on the Fourth

The countdown to the nation’s birthday is on, and with just a week to go until the parades, fireworks and hot dog gorging, there’s no time like the present to solidify plans for family fun on the Fourth of July. Whether you are planning a humongous backyard bash with extended family and friends or you are opting for a more intimate affair with just you, your significant other and the kids, consider making use of the following ideas to help get your party started: Spinning Sparklers These safe alternatives to real sparklers are fun for kids of all ages. Materials: … Continue reading

October 2010 General Conference-My Favorite Talk

General Conference is a wonderful time of year. Living in UT, we get to sit at home in our pajamas and watch conference on TV. Since I have very young children at home, this can be challenging to do. I get bits and pieces of the talks, and always vow that I will re-read them, and really ponder them during a quiet moment. Usually, I don’t get that quiet moment, or do not really think about it again. But, this time, I want to re-visit these talks and blog about some that I felt were particularly poignant to me personally … Continue reading

Four Ways to Save Money on Birthday Cake

This week we are in the middle of trying to finalize plans for an upcoming birthday party for our two sons. Two boys with birthdays only a month apart means one party to save the relatives from traveling, but two separate cakes with different themes. All of that cake can add up in expense. Here are four different ways to save money on birthday cake. With these various options, you should be able to find your own great way to shave off some of the cost of the birthday cake. Buy a regular birthday cake but skip the special decorating. … Continue reading

Who Should be Responsible for Tardies and Absences?

One aspect of education that can be both a positive and a negative is parents. Parents can be a true asset to teachers and to children. Unfortunately parents can also be a great interference of a child’s physical and mental growth. Often times we end up blaming the child or punishing the child for things that are actually the parent’s fault. However it is much more difficult for schools or teachers to punish parents. One such occurrence that I can think of is tardiness and absenteeism from school. Elementary school students typically have no control over when and if they … Continue reading

Make Room for Those Who Don’t Multi-Task

We’ve got a lot to do in the course of the day. The average parent–whether partnered or single, has chores to do, work, a household to run, errands, family and friends, and all of the activities that go along with childhood–play dates, school, sports, dance, tutors–are you exhausted yet? I’m exhausted just starting to write this out! Some of us are fabulous multi-taskers and can actually feel energized with all this rushing and buzzing about–but not everyone likes to feel rushed. How can you keep things moving when you have a child (or two) who not only doesn’t like it, … Continue reading

Can You REALLY Make Them Do Things They Don’t Want To Do?

Recently, I was watching the exasperated dad of a three-year-old trying to elicit compliance and agreement from the unbudging child. He tried all the tricks in the parenting toolbox—distraction, bribery, affection, sternness. In the end, the stubborn child didn’t give in and the dad had to change tactics and move on to something else. All I could do was offer him a warm smile and try to convey as much sympathy and understanding as I could. One of the first and most shocking things we learn as parents is that if our child absolutely, positively doesn’t want to do something—there … Continue reading

Book Review: The Orphan Train Children: Will’s Choice

The Orphan Train Children series, a spin-off of the Orphan Train Adventures Series, tells the story of children who were sent West on “orphan trains” to be fostered by townspeople. The children in this series are fictional; the orphan trains themselves are not. In Will’s Choice, twelve-year-old Will, whose mother died when he was four, travels with his father who works in a circus. When Will shows no signs of being talented enough to earn a living with the circus (okay, he’s rather clumsy), his father tells him that he has arranged for him to go “on a grand adventure”—to … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: Bowed and Infirm

As we study Luke 13:10-17 for lesson 10 this week, we find ourselves again looking at the Sabbath day. This time, the Savior has healed a woman on the Sabbath, and received criticism from the ruler of the synagogue. Since yesterday we looked at the idea of keeping the Sabbath, I would like to turn our attention today towards the crippled woman herself. The woman in the synagogue was “bowed together, and could in no wise lift up herself.” I wonder sometimes about us. Aren’t there days when you feel bowed down and crushed under by the weight of your … Continue reading

Tips to Minimize

When you are making a significant change in your dietary habits, it’s better to make the changes small. There’s an intense psychological reasoning behind this. For example, if you are changing your eating habits, giving up alcohol, picking up a heavy duty workout program while starting a new job and moving into a new house – well – you get the picture. You are setting yourself up for failure. There are way too many stressors that you are creating for yourself. Recurring failure in any area will feed the distress the other changes are already creating. So if you are … Continue reading