Something To Look Forward To

Being a mom isn’t easy, doing it alone is even harder. With the countless things we have to do each day, it’s a wonder any of us have survived as long as we have. Just as one thing is completed another thing is added to the list and the cycle continues on and on and on. You rarely get a break and when you do you spend it feeling guilty for all of the other things you should be doing while you are taking these few moments to breathe. As mothers we’ve all been there from time to time; some … Continue reading

One Day at a Time

“One day at a time–this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.” So often we let ourselves get stuck in the past. We look back at how things were and we begin to define ourselves by the things that happened to us. It is normal to grieve your marriage, but you can’t dwell on it or you will never move forward. You can’t change … Continue reading

Time for a Little Pampering

As single moms we are always putting our children first, but sometimes we forget to take care of ourselves too. Everybody knows that taking on the responsibilities of a single parent can be overwhelming. It takes a toll on every aspect of your life. After a while you just get burned out. When you start feeling like you’re on the verge of breaking down take a little time out to pamper yourself. Now I know what you’re thinking, “Yeah right, I’m a single mom. I don’t have the time or the money to pamper myself!” I’ve been there, I know … Continue reading

Taking Time for Yourself

From the time my son was born I always felt guilty to take any time for myself. I had brought this little baby into the world and I had to focus all of my attention on him all day every day. Anytime I went out with my girlfriends Logan was always with me. Leaving him with a babysitter just wasn’t an option in my mind. He was my baby, I was going to take care of him. As I started school again and was forced to leave him from time to time I was overcome with guilt. I didn’t want … Continue reading

Taking a Vacation Before the Summer Break

As parents, we sometimes have a hard time taking a break without feeling guilty. With school ending this week, I decided I would take a vacation and prepare myself for a busy summer. Not a full-time vacation just a few hours off in the morning and a light writing schedule. I figured this week I would drop Tyler off at school and instead of taking my morning walk and then commencing with my work, I would drop him off and then take a two-hour nap. Then get up and work for two hours, have lunch and chill. I figured it … Continue reading

Privacy in the Modern Marriage – Time & Technology Make Us Vulnerable

Privacy is a privilege that many of us cling to in a time when emails can be transmitted from one computer to another in nanoseconds. Privacy in the modern marriage is based more on trust than ever before. You can pick up your spouse’s cell phone and in short order have access to their email, their text messages and even the stored list of phone numbers. Privacy in the age of the Internet is a complicated issue. For even the most sensitive of data, you just require a few key numbers to enter and most married couples know their spouse’s … Continue reading

Little Eyes Are Fast Asleep

It seems the only “me time” I get these days is when Logan is fast asleep, even then it’s a little touch and go. This is often when I am up working on all of the things that I couldn’t manage to get done with a 4 year old that day, but it is also a time that I can relax, even if only for a few moments. We’ve been out of school for a few weeks now. For some reason I thought this would mean I would have more time to get things done. Somehow our days were just … Continue reading


(My kid-in-a-box) Why does Toys “R” Us have to run this annoying commercial 24/7? WHY? And why does my child run to the TV each time it airs? WHY? And why must I endure the torture of listening to said child end every sentence with a husky baritone: “WHY! WHY! WHY!” Guess which company I won’t be patronizing this holiday season? You know WHY? Why would I want to shop there now? WHY? Oh. Right. All those fabulous deals on toys that will hopefully keep my kid’s attention at least until New Year’s Eve… or until she sees another commercial … Continue reading

Be Careful What You Wish For

Has anyone ever told you to be careful what you wished for? I was reminded of that when I was first divorced and Hailey would go to her father’s for the weekend. I remember so many times thinking, I wish she would be quiet for just a minute, it’s so noisy in here I can’t even hear myself think! Then her father picked her up for that first weekend visit. Suddenly the house was too quiet, and I was at an absolute loss as to what to do with myself while she was gone. It got easier as time went … Continue reading

Looking Back At 2011

I would like to thank Stephanie Romero for her wonderful blog post about taking time to reflect on the year that is just about done. You see, I almost leaped ahead and wrote a post about my plans and visions for my home – based businesses for the next year. Stephanie’s post reminded me that there is a lot to be learned by looking back in time, so that is what I have decided to do today instead. This way, when I do think ahead to next year I will have a perspective that includes the wisdom of having thought … Continue reading