Toy Invasion

Is there a room in your house that doesn’t have a single toy in it? Yesterday I realized that the only place in our home that has not been infiltrated by my preschooler’s toys is the laundry room. And that room only qualifies as the “winner” if I don’t count the tiny pile of plastic animals I extracted from my daughter’s pockets the other day. The jungle creatures have temporarily set up residence on top of the dryer. The rest of our abode looks like the inside of a daycare facility. There are piles of plastic dinosaurs in the hallway, … Continue reading

Mom Alert: New Tweenage Dora Has Arrived!

I gave you the heads up about this “new and improved” Dora in a previous blog, but now the day has come… Tweenage Dora is here. Well, kind of. She won’t be hitting toy store shelves until November (just in time for Santa to tuck her under the Christmas tree), but her prototype was unveiled last week at the New York Toy Fair. Brace yourselves mom… here’s what the new Dora has in store for girls 5 years and up: · An updated Dora with long, luxurious hair and a massive wardrobe · A complete line of Dora’s girlfriends with … Continue reading