Mothers: A Sorority of Complainers?

(Sweeter than a Dyson.) You are looking at one of the lovely Mother’s Day gifts I was presented with yesterday by my adorable daughter. As you can tell, it can’t be used to suck up strewn Cheerios from hardwood or carpeted floors, nor can it separate dust by cyclonic action and spin it out of the airstream with the simple press of a button. Also, it doesn’t rhyme with Dyson. Regardless, I love my card, especially the handwritten note scribbled in bright pink crayon inside. It will forever help me remember Mother’s Day 2012. The holiday has come and gone … Continue reading

The Importance of Listening

How could I possibly resist listening to this adorable angel? My daughter’s smile can light up a room, but her insanely long recaps of lunchroom drama between five girls, a shoe, a note and some other item that I have no earthly idea about, are far from illuminating. In fact, her convoluted conspectuses often make my ears burn, though the pain could actually be my brain frying, as I try to decipher what green socks and Eggplant Parmesan  have to do with how she fared on Friday’s spelling test. I try to make sense of it all, but I’m old. … Continue reading

Picture-Perfect Mother’s Day

What are you asking for this Mother’s Day? A clean basement? Not if your husband’s idea of “cleaning” is tossing out all of your stuff. An expensive vacuum? Not if you have to use it more to justify the price. Breakfast in bed? Not if it means doing damage control in the kitchen until dinner. What about a peaceful day surrounded by the people whose existence affords you membership in the sweetest sorority on earth? This Mother’s Day consider cuddling up with your kiddos and enjoying a quiet moment with these picture-perfect holiday reads: The Berenstain Bears: We Love Our … Continue reading

Unfortunate Inheritance

I stink at math. It’s no secret. In fact, I’ve long made a habit of prefacing conversations with, “I’m not good with numbers” or “Math was never my strong suit.” Unfortunately, it seems I’ve made those comments in front of my mini me enough that she’s begun repeating them. Even worse, she’s now using them as an excuse for her poor math scores. Like mother, like daughter… in a bad way. If there is a bright side to my mistake, it’s that I am cognizant of what I’ve done and I’m now working hard to remedy it. For starters, I … Continue reading

Do You Dare to Compare?

Have you seen this tooth-achingly sweet note a 10-year-old boy penned to his hard working mom and attached to an even sweeter homemade gift? The photo has gone crazy viral since the boy’s sibling innocently posted it on Reddit. The youngster’s touching note reads: “Dear Mom, This is for you, I understand how hard you work, and I know you love strawberry milk, so I made this for you. :)” Sniff. Sniff. Right? I mean, c’mon moms, admit it; that tear in your eye, the tingle in your gut, your melted heart-—pure jealously. Okay, maybe, not 100% pure, but pretty … Continue reading