Putting a Disclaimer on Facebook

I tried gentle suggestions such as, “You might want to think twice before you post something on Facebook.” Then I tried reminders, “You do know so-and-so can read what you post.” Ahem…such as our pastor. But then it all came down to one final moment of sheer exasperation. “Please stop posting all of your drama on Facebook!” I truly do appreciate the expressive side of my daughter…to a point. I am almost on the verge of putting a disclaimer on some of her posts. “The views represented here don’t necessarily coincide with what her mother thinks.” The truth is that … Continue reading

Some Facebook Advice

Don’t you love that feeling as a parent when you know you are doing something right? It doesn’t always happen where we can get that assurance. In fact, guilt and doubt often plague mothers in particular. Well that’s how I felt after hearing something on the radio about being your teen’s Facebook friend. Experts claim that the communication between you and your teen is better if you don’t interact with them much (if at all) on Facebook. Why? Because the more you click “Like” or respond with comments, the more it is seen as stalking. That will cause your teen … Continue reading

The Addiction of Facebook

I never thought this day would come…that my oldest son would take the Facebook plunge. But he did it. It wasn’t until he joined the ranks that I truly realized how addicting it can be. I know this might sound pretty trivial. Big deal, so your teenager finally joined Facebook…they do it every day. But you would have to know my son to realize how out of character this is. He has always protested when I encouraged him to join in. Honestly, the only reason I did that is because I so enjoy the connection it affords between me and … Continue reading

Should You Allow Your Tween/Teen to Join Facebook?

You might be at that point as a parent where you are making the decision about whether or not your tween or teen should join Facebook. Perhaps your tween will be turning 13 sometime this year, which is technically the age they are supposed to be before signing up. Or you might have been wavering and can’t decide if your teen should jump in. Being that I am an avid Facebook user with a tween and two teens, I can offer you some thoughts. First, let me say that no parent should ever assume their teen doesn’t already have a … Continue reading

My Love-Hate Relationship with Facebook

Facebook has become a love-hate relationship for me. I love the fact that I am able to keep in touch with family members more closely. I love being able to connect with other writers. I love finding old friends. I love how my church has its own Facebook community. While all of these are things I love, there are also things I hate. Like the sometimes dumb stuff my children post. Especially when they are friends with church leaders or family members, leaving wide open the door of possible judgment being passed. I hate the way someone can think they … Continue reading

Privacy vs. Secrecy: How to Foster Intimacy in Your Relationships

Information really is power; how, what, and when to share can have a far-reaching impact on our ability to foster intimacy in our relationships. It is almost a rite of passage, for instance, for a new couple to explore one another’s past—first loves, first kisses, and even the first big heartbreak. These conversations both require and build a significant level of trust, as they reveal how we act and react at our most vulnerable moments. So what does it mean when your partner refuses to share? It can mean many things; the problem, of course, is that we often assume … Continue reading

You Are Making a Difference

Another year has come and gone.  I mentioned in my blog, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,” how 2012 had been one of my most difficult years as a parent. Now I stand on the brink of yet another year, filled with anticipation of what is to come.  While at one time I might have felt less sure of expecting the best, my daughter’s Facebook post on New Year’s Eve filled me with assurance. You see, when it comes to parenting teens, you never know what can happen.  You never know what event, what influence, what relationship can potentially … Continue reading

Airing Your Dirty Laundry

Despite my love for Facebook and the fact that I allow my teens to partake, there are definitely times when the spotlight shines on the downside. Take for instance when a teenager decides to air their dirty laundry. Thankfully my teens are respectful enough (or maybe it’s just that they are smart enough to know better) to not say negative things about me on Facebook. I don’t care if they think I’m being unfair or that I don’t know what I’m talking about; voicing these opinions on social media is a no-no. I’m also glad they don’t share with the … Continue reading

Those Crazy Tweens

The lovely tween years, they are almost as baffling as the teenage years. Your little angel has gone from being a smiling, happy, bouncy child to a moody, eye rolling, smart mouthed tween. How did this happen? As parents the behavior of a tween is challenging and as a tween, it’s completely new territory. Suddenly your child is talking back, rolling her eyes, crying over the tiniest imagined slight. Initially you look for reasons, just like you did when she was a toddler and overtired, but this time, the reason is just that she is a tween. Girls tend to … Continue reading

Time Is Short

My marriage has been shaken up a bit this past weekend but in a good way. Sometimes you get those moments in life when you are able to see things in a different light. Instead of being wrapped up in the day-to-day tasks, you can take a moment to really appreciate what you have. This was thrust on us in a couple of different ways. The first was when I received a call on Thursday that my father had suffered a heart attack. Sometimes all it takes is a near death experience to get you really thinking about life. The … Continue reading