Hopefully Never

So, I might have been a little hasty when posting “Never Say Never.” Truth be told, there are quite a few parenting situations where I say never, and many more which I emphatically state: “Never, ever, ever, EVER!” At the top of the list: Putting my young child on a commercial airliner by herself and hoping she gets to her final destination without being traumatized… or worse. A friend of mine from high school recently got divorced. Currently, he and his wife share custody of their 6-year-old son. However, my friend lives in Hilo, Hawaii, while his wife lives two … Continue reading

Animated Doesn’t Always Mean Appropriate

I have a confession; I actually saw two of the movies that were nominated for a 2012 Best Picture Oscar: “The Help” and “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.” So, yeah, I guess pigs do fly from time to time. That monumental accomplishment hasn’t happened since giving birth to my daughter more than seven years ago, so you’ll have to excuse my forgetfulness. What can I say; parenthood = memory loss. Typically, if I recognize any title nominated for an Academy Award it’s from the Animated Feature category. That’s where I really connect with Oscar since becoming a parent. In fact, … Continue reading

Parents and the Academy Awards

You know you are a parent when… you haven’t seen a single one of the movies nominated for an Academy Award. And I am not just referring to the Best Picture nominees; I’m talking about any movie in any category. You, you, you, and me. Can you imagine taking a young child to see the mostly silent, black-and-white best flick nominee, “The Artist”? My kid would have gotten us thrown out of the theater within the first four minutes, or after the first 50 times of her asking: “Mommy, why does this movie have no sound?”–whichever came first. Last year, … Continue reading

Are You Beyond the Bump?

You know you are done having children if… the only way you would welcome another baby into your family is if a stork delivered it. If… holding a deliciously cute 6-month-old doesn’t make your ovaries ache. If… coming across a bunch of onesies doesn’t trigger the ugly cry. While fellow blogger Angela is contemplating adding to her family, many other moms are anticipating the end of the childbirth era. So when do you really know when your family is complete? My friend always jokes that only one of her six kids was planned–the twin who is the better listener. After … Continue reading