“Hypo-Parenting” is Not a Parenting Style

Have you ever wished that you could hypnotize your children so they would behave the way you wanted them to? One parent has been doing exactly that, though there is no science to support the idea that hypnosis is an effective parenting tool. Lisa Macheberg is a hypnotherapist who has three children. She says she started hypnotizing her children the help them get through the night without wetting the bed. She didn’t stop there, though. She now uses hypnotizing as a tool to help her kids deal with range of problems from performance anxiety to difficulty focusing. In an ABC … Continue reading

What Not to Do in Front of Your Kids When It Comes to Money

Children learn what they see. It is a true statement for any kind of behavior including money management. Children’s attitudes toward money and whether or not they will be able to make it work for them as adults has much to do with their parents. If you are married, think about any differences that there might be between you and your spouse, regarding any issues having to do with money. Is one of you more a saver than a spender? Do you approach investing or debt the same way? Chances are that you may each have different ideas about handling … Continue reading

Bad Habits to Break

We all have habits; some are good and some not so much.  Many of these habits are ones we’ve developed in our marriage, which means that some need to be broken and others need to be developed. Let’s consider some bad habits that can creep up in a marriage.  The first is criticizing.  Isn’t it funny how the things you once found endearing have suddenly become an annoyance?  Or ever notice how after being married for an extended length of time, you only notice the negative qualities in your spouse? Both of these can cause a critical spirit to rise … Continue reading

Yelling is Still Bad

You’ve heard the old joke: If you don’t yell at your kids, then you aren’t spending enough time with them. Well, parenting experts aren’t laughing at that one. Regardless, it isn’t stopping frustrated moms and dads from raising their voices when their kids misbehave. Nine years ago, a study published in The Journal of Marriage and Family, found that 88 percent of nearly 1000 parents interviewed admitted shouting, yelling or screaming at their children in the previous year. That percentage jumped to 98 percent in families with 7-year-old children. Today, that number has barely budged. Recent polls show that parents … Continue reading

Dad in Denial

Can money really solve your biggest problems? A billionaire dad is really, really hoping it can. Cecil Chao is so livid that his smoking hot daughter, Gigi, recently wed her same-sex partner that he is offering a $65 million “marriage bounty” to any man who can get her to change her sexual preference. In other words, the 76-year-old Hong Kong business tycoon is in complete denial that his darling daughter is a lesbian and is willing to pay a pretty penny to any guy who can turn her straight. Denial is not an unusual parental reaction upon learning about a … Continue reading

What Lessons Did I Teach

What has divorce taught our children about love? I worry about what my divorce has taught Hailey about love and marriage. Unfortunately, most of the people she knows have been divorced, at least once. What does this teach our kids? When I was growing up all of my friends parents were married, my grandparents, aunts and uncles, were all married, to their original spouses. The only divorced person I knew was my mother. It’s the opposite for Hailey, she knows hardly anyone with an intact family. There are a few here and there but it seems they are the exception … Continue reading

Michael Jackson’s Legacy

Poor Farrah Fawcett. She was certainly a star, but her death was somewhat overshadowed by the same-day passing of a megastar – Michael Jackson. Three years later, many are remembering Jackson and wondering about his legacy. It’s sad that Jackson passed away just as he seemed on the verge of a big comeback. His career was waning, although some would kill for such “waning” success. He wasn’t a hit machine like he had been in the ‘80s and scandals had tarnished the once glowing crown of the self-proclaimed “King of Pop.” But, he was preparing hard for his best yet … Continue reading

My Daughter’s Day Without Her Dad

Planning a wedding is so much fun and so much stress. Other than your own wedding there is no wedding you look forward to more than your daughter’s. You want everything to be perfect. Too bad things don’t always work that way. When I got divorced my ex husband and I struggled to figure out what our relationship should be. After a while we came to the conclusion that we wanted to be the best parents we could be to Hailey. Recently my ex husband has decided that Hailey no longer needs him and he doesn’t need to be a … Continue reading

What Happened to Daddy’s Little Girl

One of the hardest things as a single parent is helping your child maintain a relationship with their other parent. It’s even harder when that parent is not doing their part. I worked hard to make sure Hailey had a relationship with her father. I feel like I did more than my fair share, I would drop her off and pick her up on his weekends. He said since I was the one who wanted the divorce then if I wanted him to have Hailey for the weekend I could do the driving, so I did. I invited him to … Continue reading

For the Love of All Things Not Math

My daughter is officially done with second grade. School is out for the summer and I couldn’t be happier. It was a rough year, but my daughter survived and even managed to score a perfect 4.0 on her report card. Straight “A”s, including in her least favorite subject-—math. When I congratulated her on the impressive accomplishment, my daughter noted that she was surprised that she had received an “A” in mathematics. “I hate math, Mommy!” she exclaimed. Translation: Math doesn’t come as easy to her as reading, spelling or Social Studies. It actually requires working a little harder to master … Continue reading