Putting a Disclaimer on Facebook

I tried gentle suggestions such as, “You might want to think twice before you post something on Facebook.” Then I tried reminders, “You do know so-and-so can read what you post.” Ahem…such as our pastor. But then it all came down to one final moment of sheer exasperation. “Please stop posting all of your drama on Facebook!” I truly do appreciate the expressive side of my daughter…to a point. I am almost on the verge of putting a disclaimer on some of her posts. “The views represented here don’t necessarily coincide with what her mother thinks.” The truth is that … Continue reading

Scared to Vacation

I worked in TV news for 16 years, so I am a bit jaded when it comes to hearing bizarre stories, but a recent report about what can happen when you leave home on vacation shocked even me. Earlier this month, a couple living 20 miles north of my neighborhood took a week’s vacation to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Unfortunately, they didn’t bother to secure their patio furniture or lock their gas grill in their garage or shed before they took off. When they returned home from their trip up north their deck was completely wiped clean. The grill and their … Continue reading

Primary Music

In my primary right now we are going through a bit of a transitional period as we have a new primary chorister, and are trying to work out the kinks. So, I’ve been reading a lot in the church handbook about the purpose of singing time, and the purpose of the primary songs. Something stood out to me as I was reading today that got me thinking. I loved singing in primary as a child. I still do, actually. Some of those songs I sang as a child are still with me despite my horrible memory. Even to this day, … Continue reading

Primary Love

We have a really small primary, and as the President, I thought I was doing a great job at getting to know the kids individually. After all, when there are only about 15 that are active, it isn’t too hard to remember names, and what they are up to. But, I realized a week or so ago that you can never do too much to show a child love. We had an annual bike parade and breakfast for our ward for the 24th of July celebrations. There is this family in our ward that has 6 kids, and is being … Continue reading

Nap Time Tips for Home-Based Professional Parents

home-based professionals who are stay-at-home parents, our work and our parenting are very much interconnected. One common area of concern for work-at-home parents is nap time. Some parents are blessed with excellent nappers who get down to business quickly and easily at the appointed time each day and nap for a couple of hours. Other parents have children whose nap schedule is less predictable. My son is generally pretty good about napping and usually takes a nap during a fairly predictable window of time. There are some days that he does not nap at all, though, and I have been … Continue reading

Helicopter Parent or Scaredy Cat?

I think I hold on too tightly. As the single parent of an only child I believe that I am overprotective and that I’m guilty of being a helicopter parent. I hover, I ask questions, I check up and insist she check in. Even at 18 I call her everyday to make sure she is up for work, she always is, but that doesn’t mean I stop calling. I want to know who her friends are, where she is going, who will be there, will there be an adult. What time will you be home? Who’s going with you? Wake … Continue reading

The Conclusion to My Big Time Mess Up As a Parent

My fellow blogger Michele Cheplic, reminded me of an unfinished end to a blog I had written about a huge mistake I had made with my daughter. There was an uncertainty to her future and where she would end up for high school. To recap, the county I live in has a terrible school system. It gets worse by the time children make it to high school. So my boys were put into another school district by what is called “open enrollment.” When it came time to sign my daughter up for open enrollment, I apparently failed to put on … Continue reading

Billy Ray Scared for Miley

The Cyrus family seems to be imploding before our very eyes. First came the news that dad Billy Ray and mom had filed for divorce. Then, I posted a blog about Miley Cyrus being caught on film smoking the herb (salvia) from a bong. At the time, her dad Billy Ray Cyrus said he was sorry the video was released and felt like things were out of his control. He also refused to attend Miley’s 18th birthday party because it was at a bar. The icing on the cake appears to be Billy Ray’s recent interview with GQ. He said … Continue reading

Time Out

For a while in our household we’ve been trying to determine what our child actually understands in order to be able to effectively punish him if he is doing something dangerous or intentionally disobeying his parents time and time again. It is not something we look forward to or enjoy. Our son is infallible in our eyes (at least he was before he started disobeying) and the empathy we feel for him is strong. At the same time we don’t want to create a monster. We’d rather have a child who, at the very least, knows that if he disobeys … Continue reading

A Muslim Mommy and a Mormon Mommy

When I moved back to Utah last year, I was eager to make new friends. That is because when I left Georgia where I was living for two years, I left behind a great group of girlfriends that I still miss everyday. Yes, I can keep in touch with them via facebook and the blogs, and phone, but it is just not the same. My ward was an older, more established ward with not a lot of young Moms. It was hard connecting with those few young Moms there were in the ward because we were only living there temporarily. … Continue reading