“Oh, Please Stop Being Naughty!”

We talk a great deal here in the Parents Blog about all the “right ways” to do things as a parent. Sure, there are plenty of books and articles and experts out there who can guide us on the road to being a functional and effective parent, and, I think most of us really want that. But, I wanted to admit that sometimes I don’t care if I am a perfect parent or not. I’m human, I get exasperated, I get so tired of saying something for the umpteenth time I think I will scream. What I really want is … Continue reading

Child Using Inappropriate Tone of Voice? Try Not Responding

One of the big issues for parents is dealing with wining, screaming, and rude demands that come from our children. Some of these “tones of voice” can be so aggravating and annoying, it makes us want to bark or scream back. Believe it or not, the best way to change a child’s tendency to use such annoying ways of speaking and communicating is to NOT pay attention when they do… Now, I am not advocating blatantly ignoring a child who is whining or being obnoxious–but not responding or giving in is an incredibly effective technique. You can give the child … Continue reading

When a Child Does the Opposite of What You Want

Yes, there is such a thing as a child being oppositional on purpose. Of course, sometimes he or she just wants to do what he or she just wants to do—but if you think your child is purposefully choosing or trying to do just the opposite of what YOU want, you might be right… Often, kids have other motivation and they are not being oppositional on purpose. But, when a child feels powerless or as if he is being heard or his wishes are being taken seriously, he may act out with very strong defiance. As kids get older, instead … Continue reading