“Basketball Chicken” and other Family Traditions

Strong, functioning families have their own traditions and special identifiers. I’m not talking just about holidays and birthdays here—but those little daily things—sayings, secret nicknames and language, and activities that are unique to your family that all help to identify and bond a family together. After nearly twenty years, our little family has all sorts of things that are unique to our family. Whenever a new person gets to know us well and becomes an “insider,” they are indoctrinated into our special sayings, the history of nicknames, created recipes, and other “secret” details. Since we’ve been through a divorce and … Continue reading

Outgoing Family Answering Machine Messages

Do you record everyone’s name on your answering machine’s outgoing message? I don’t, but I know of families who do. It never occurred to me how kind of silly this was until reading a rant in the current issue of, Cookie. In the short piece, the writer pleads with families not to include everyone on the outgoing message. It was partly tongue-in-cheek but it also made a lot of sense. I suppose the families who do it think it’s cute but it’s really kind of silly to include young kids on the message, who as the author points out, “don’t … Continue reading