The Reason Your Kid is Cranky

Forget about sex or sleep; for many parents it’s more like sleep or sanity. If your kid is not getting enough sleep, your sanity suffers. According to new research, a good night’s sleep is essential to keeping children on track. That may be the understatement of the year. For decades researchers having been touting studies that show well-rested children do better on standardized tests, get better grades and are better equipped to rationalize and control impulses. However, a new study, set to be published in next month’s issue of Pediatrics, takes the theory a step further by detailing what happened … Continue reading

Branded Kids

Last week: “Mommy, life is a fajita.” Last night: “Actually, Mommy, life is not a fajita; it’s a pulled pork sandwich.” Thanks, McCormick. My 8-year-old is not allowed to watch more than an hour of TV per day, but clearly that hasn’t stopped her from being sucked in by marketers hawking prepackaged spice mixtures. In fact, I’m starting to wonder if my child’s habit of integrating commercial content into her everyday life is triggered by the fact that she is limited to just 60 minutes of TV viewing a day. That hour is precious to her and she spends it … Continue reading

Does Your Child Snore?

It may be funny when Big Bird does it, but if your child snores all night, health experts say you should be concerned rather than amused. According to a new study, children who are chronic snorers are more likely to have behavioral problems such as aggression and hyperactivity. Researchers studied nearly 250 children who snored at both age 2 and age 3. Of those kids, 35 percent showed signs of behavioral problems, while only 10 percent of non-snorers exhibited signs of behavioral issues. The study also found that 12 percent of kids who snored for one year showed such signs. … Continue reading

When Make-Believe is Better Than Reality

You can’t turn on the television these days without wondering how it is that some things make it on air. And I’m not just referring to Honey Boo Boo. Even the commercials make me wonder if I am living in an alternate universe. Case in point: Motts for Tots. The TV ad features an adorable little boy innocently drinking his Motts for Tots juice box when all of a sudden his mom (let’s hope it’s his “mom”) comes up from behind and starts to squeeze and tickle him. While he is sucking on his juice box! What parent in her … Continue reading

Do You Allow Your Kids to Watch TV News?

After reporting and anchoring local TV news for more than decade, I never considered tuning out the events of the day after giving birth. I’ve watched the evening news religiously since I was in high school and never dreamed there would come a day when I would be forced to wean myself from my 6 o’clock fix. However, that day has come. A few weeks ago, I was in the kitchen making dinner with the TV news on in the background when my 7-year-old came waltzing in. Typically, she’ll sit on a stool at the counter and try to snag … Continue reading

Parents Busy Getting Busy During the Holidays

We’re all busy during the holiday season. There are parties to host and attend, presents to wrap and unwrap, shopping, cooking, cleaning and procreating. Yes, you read correctly. According to a new study, a large number of parents are busy getting busy between the sheets during the height of the holiday season. Researchers at the University of Texas found that most babies born in the United States are conceived between Christmas and New Year’s Day. Do the math and you’ll discover what the study’s authors did: The most popular birthday in America is September 16th. September 16th! That’s my brother’s … Continue reading

The Sleep Nazi

I’ve been called a lot of unflattering things since becoming a parent, but “Sleep Nazi” is not one of them. Allow me to clarify: I am often accused of being a “Sleep Nazi,” only I don’t consider it unflattering at all. In fact, it’s a title I wear with unrelenting, in-your-face pride. If you saw how my child acts when she doesn’t get a good’s night sleep, I guarantee you would dig deep to find a much more complimentary title for me. I am a stickler when it comes to bedtime; namely because my child is an absolute wreck if … Continue reading

Driven to Distraction: Behind the Wheel with a Preschooler

How many times have you had to use one hand to break up a fight in the backseat between your squabbling kids while using the other to maneuver your moving vehicle through traffic? You aren’t alone. According to a new study conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, such multitasking is a prevalent problem on America’s roadways. In fact, the study is making headlines around the nation because part of its results were not fully disclosed—-namely the stats on kids being a major distraction in moving vehicles (especially if you are breastfeeding one while behind the wheel). Despite the … Continue reading

Parental No-No: Bedtime TV for Kids

My preschooler needs 12 hours of sleep per night… or we all pay for it. That said, it should come as no surprise that her bedtime routine gets underway no later than 6:30 p.m., to ensure that she’s in dreamland by 7:30 p.m. (8:30 p.m. if she’s had an afternoon nap). Dinner, bath, brush teeth, pajamas, bed—-the process has been ingrained in her since she was a baby, with one slight deviation. Up until about 18 months ago she was able to choose between watching “goodnight TV” (e.g. part of an animated movie or some kid’s program) and reading two … Continue reading

Parental No-No: Breastfeeding While Driving

Parents are supposed to make decisions based on what is in the best interest of their children. Unfortunately, “best interest” is open to interpretation and often results in some bizarre true-life stories. Take the recent arrest of Genine Compton. The mother from Dayton, Ohio made front-page news last week for breastfeeding her daughter while driving her other children to school. No joke. Supermom was multitasking behind the wheel of her minivan when she was pulled over by police. According to authorities, Compton was not only breastfeeding her infant while driving, she was also talking on her cellphone while simultaneously yelling … Continue reading