Letting Hope Light Your Path

When a teenager decides to take a path you never hoped they would travel, nor did you ever imagine they would, it can result in a mother questioning her abilities. I know because I have been there. You ask yourself what signs you might have missed. I know because I asked myself that. You wonder if you could have changed the course. I know because I have wondered the same thing. You wonder if it will ever get better. I know because I had those concerns. And you ask yourself, “What can I do to make sure this never happens … Continue reading

Emotional Preparation for School

So it’s a new school year and while as a parent you might be a little excited about your teens going back, they may not feel the same way. Think about it. As your teen gets older, there are new problems and stresses to face. Classes tend to get more difficult and they are getting that much closer to their future as an adult. They may have had problems last year that they are sure will be worse this year. It’s important to help prepare your teen. It goes beyond taking them school clothes shopping or making sure you have … Continue reading

This Too Shall Pass

I really enjoyed reading “Promises, Promises” by fellow blogger Michele Cheplic. It brought me back to the days when my children declared they would live with me forever. In fact, I clearly remember a conversation I had with my oldest son when he was in the 5th grade. His class took a fieldtrip to the University of Milwaukee, where they got to learn about some of the studies offered there and what it was like to live in a dorm. Now to this day I don’t understand how a 5th grade class would benefit from such a thing but whatever…that’s … Continue reading

Out of the Spotlight

Like it or not, there are some seasons in parenting when one particular child seems to dominate the spotlight. This can be for both good and bad reasons. Take the example of a very good friend of mine whose 17-year-old daughter has put her family through quite a wild rollercoaster ride. It has been a trying time in my friend’s life, leaving her 14-year-old daughter to wonder where she stands in all of this. Then there is my family…my oldest son who just hit a milestone in life with turning 18. We are also preparing for his high school graduation … Continue reading

When It’s Hard to See the Good

Have you ever been surprised by a child’s accomplishment? As parents this might sound inconceivable but I have a confession to make…I am guilty of this. Last week was the annual “Legacy Awards.” This is a special night in our church’s youth group, where teens are nominated for a variety of things. All the teens get dressed up. And those who are nominated get to take a ride in a limo and then come down the red carpet while the paparazzi (the parents) snap pictures. It is just like the Grammy’s, where someone comes up (youth sponsors) and opens an … Continue reading

10 Ways to Push Your Teen Away: Expect Them to Act Like Adults (Part 9)

As I continue my “10 Ways to Push Your Teen Away,” in part 9 we are going to consider how we sometimes expect our teens to act like adults. One of the clearest ways we do this is by making statements like, “Grow up!” or “Why don’t you act your age?” I have made similar statements to my own teens. One day my oldest son responded to my request that he act his own age with “I am!” And you know what? He was right. Take some time to really think about statements like that. When we tell our teens … Continue reading

Parents of Teens Need Friends Too

I spent a good half hour late last night texting a friend. I sound like a teenager, don’t I? We were going back and forth, sharing our “teen” stories and encouraging each other. What I especially love about this friend is that she is one who can truly relate. We both have sons who are seniors. We both have daughters that are just one year apart and our youngest sons are both in 7th grade. In fact, all of our kids are very good friends, having grown up in the church together. One of the topics of our texting was … Continue reading

Taking a Break from Your Teen

I remember when my kids were little, getting away for a night or a weekend was a welcomed break. Some parents don’t believe in this…that it somehow makes you less of a mom but I know that the break wasn’t only good for me; it was good for my children as well. I am finding this to be true even now as they are getting older. Having teenagers can be exhausting at times, not necessarily in a physical way but emotionally. So I have to admit, that my daughter going away this weekend is a nice break. We actually both … Continue reading

Don’t Assume You Know the Real Reason Behind an Attitude

I am still learning as a parent…well, aren’t we all? Sometimes we think we know what the deal is but later discover there is something deeper going on. When you have teenagers, one of the common difficulties is dealing with attitudes. These are snotty responses, eyes rolling and the like. I think you can easily picture it, especially if you are raising teens. It can be frustrating. I am not the only one to be complaining about this lately; all of my friends are dealing with it. But what’s behind the attitude? Sometimes it is all about correcting your child’s … Continue reading

The Sometimes Frustrating Game of Raising Teens

What do you do when you have done all you know to do? When you have given your very best in parenting but it seems like everything comes back to slap you? Lately it seems all I am hearing are stories about people either I know of or know personally who are going through very troubling times with their teens. I guess what has made it all the more disheartening is that these are teens that have been raised in the church, so they have been taught a certain standard. I realize church doesn’t save a teen from doing destructive … Continue reading