Special Needs Blog Week in Review – May 13 -19, 2012

Each and every week, the Special Needs Blog Week in Review gives you a brief description of all the blogs that appeared here in the past seven days. This is a quick way to find the blogs that you wanted to read, but, didn’t have time for when they first appeared. What did you miss this week? The Special Needs Podcast Roundup went up on May 14, 2012. This week, I’d like to point out an episode of The Coffee Klatch. It is called “Bright Not Broken – Twice Exceptional Kids”. This is the first part of a series they … Continue reading

New School Drop-Off Routine

The first week we parked and I walked with Jessie to the gym to wait for her class to be dismissed to her room. I continued to walk her to the gym and everything was fine until we came back after Labor Day. The long weekend threw her off and she was back in tantrum mode. The teachers in the gym watching over the children had to intervene and take the crying Jessie from me. Again, she was fine when I picked her up. We had another change in the school experience. The school decided that all children need to … Continue reading

The Benefits of Having a Work-Day Routine

As I prepared for the birth of my son last November, I was on bed rest and had some time on my hands. I spent a lot of time reading about various parenting strategies and thinking about what I would do with my son, and how I would find work as a stay at home mom. For some reason, I decided that I would be one of those go with the flow type of parents that did not have a rigid daily schedule for feedings, naps, and the like. I thought that doing things that way would be the best … Continue reading

Changing Up the Routine

Everyone always says kids need a routine. And while that is definitely true, it helps to change it up as they grow. Your routine certainly isn’t the same as when you were in high school or college, right? Recently, Maggie’s morning nap was leaving her not quite tired enough to take an afternoon nap, but plenty tired enough to having a meltdown every night at dinner. But dinnertime is important for many reasons in our home. First of all, eating dinner together as a family has proven to be a great way to bond and show your children that you … Continue reading

Maintaining Fitness Routine On Vacation

Last week my family took a trip to Washington D.C. One of the things that concerned me was having my fitness routine disrupted. I know that vacations can really set you back. One of the important things that you need to remember when taking a vacation is that the same rules apply. If you eat healthy at home you should eat healthy on vacation. If you exercise at home you should exercise on vacation. It may take some creativity to do this but for the most part, I believe it is possible. I would love to say that I followed … Continue reading

Parenting the Sensitive Preschooler

My daughter is a lovely and sensitive soul. If you also have a preschooler who is easily over-stimulated and sensitive to her physical and emotional environment, here are some ways that we’ve worked to make life good for all members of our household. Have a designated talking time, a quiet time when you are not distracted by anything else and can focus completely on your child. For us, this is right before bedtime. Sometimes it’s in the car, too. Having that focused, quiet snuggle time is essential for her and for me, if I want to stay in tune with … Continue reading

Switching Up Your Exercise Routine

Do you ever get tired of your regular exercise routine? I know that I do. Some days I just cannot bear the thought of going through the same movements and desire a change. Did you know that it is recommended that you change your exercise routine every few weeks? Apparently, your body gets so used to the movements that they are not as effective as when you originally started out doing them. When you switch up your exercise routine you are giving your body a surprise attack that says, “This is something new and different. What is going on?” You … Continue reading

Total Fitness Routine: Part II

As I mentioned earlier in the week stretching and balancing exercises are two of the first aspects of fitness to incorporate in to your body shaping and physical fitness routine. Stretching warms your muscles, helps your joints to move more freely, helps to reduce stress and improves your posture. Balancing, which tends to dwindle as our age progresses, will help to keep you steadier, which will decrease our chances of falling and sustaining further injury. Core strength, aerobics and muscle strength training are also advisable for a well-rounded fitness routine.  Core strength: The core of your body is considered … Continue reading

Total Fitness Routine: Part I

An all around good and balanced fitness routine contains several aspects for your optimal health outlook. These aspects will cover all areas of your physical strength and health and leave nothing out or “off” balance. By incorporating these in your weekly health fitness routine you will not only look better, but you will feel better.  Stretch your body: Everyone knows that a good fitness routine always begins with stretching. Stretching gives your body a chance to “limber” up and warm those muscles before getting down to the nitty-gritty of exercising. Stretching your muscles also will help to increase your … Continue reading

How Do I Resume My Fitness Routine After An Injury?

I sprained my knee about 4 weeks ago. I want to get back into my fitness routine, but I am not sure how to go about it. How do I start exercising again without risking reinjury? You will want to make sure that you are at a point to start again safely. You will want to get your doctor’s advice and permission to proceed with your workout routine. Your doctor is a professional and he will know if it is safe to do so. Do not worry that you are starting back at square one. You would have to be … Continue reading