Where Were You on September 11?

This year is 2011, which means that it has been ten years since the tragedy that happened in America on September 11, 2001. Where were you when those events occurred? Your descendants will want to hear your story. Now is a good time to record your experiences for future generations to find. Genealogy is the study of family. Perhaps the most interesting part of what a genealogist can uncover in his or her research are photographs, and family stories. Sometimes, these stories are handed down from one generation to the next one. It is even better if you can find … Continue reading

Do You Need to be More (or Less) Logical?

While I have always had a strong vein of logic running through me, I think I have become somewhat more detached and appreciative of logical reasoning as I’ve gotten older. Meanwhile, with three kids of very different temperaments, I have also had to learn that some respond well to logic and others need a little less of it… The truth is, some kids respond really well to logic. This can be challenging for a parent who is a little more on the intuitive or emotional side of things. These kids need to know the cause and effect of things and … Continue reading

Stress and Women

A recent survey from the American Psychological Association found that more than eighty percent of women experience physical symptoms of stress like fatigue and headaches on a regular basis. Are you one of them? The thing is, most women think they’re managing their stress well. In the survey from the American Psychological Association, eighty-one percent of women said they were managing their stress “extremely well” or “somewhat well”. Despite that, eighty-one percent of women complained of physical symptoms of stress. How do you know if you’re stressed? Physical symptoms like headache, fatigue, and muscle tension. Impaired ability to focus or … Continue reading

What Kind Of Mom Are You?

What type of mom are you? In her book, Queen Bees & Wannabees, author Rosalind Wiseman discusses several types of moms she’s met. See if you recognize yourself in any of these descriptions. Queen Bee Moms are often the coaches and class presidents. They don’t simply like being in charge, they have to be in charge. A Queen Bee Mom will organize her child’s social activities, with no free time allowed. When other parents don’t like her, she will point out it’s because they are jealous of her. If she includes you and your child in an activity, you should … Continue reading

8 Weeks to a Well-behaved Child

Author James Windell claims that if you follow the methods outlined in his book, 8 Weeks To A Well-Behaved Child you will be able to change your child’s behavior. Call me skeptical, but 8 weeks sounds like such a short time to transform negative behaviors. But I’ll try anything at least once so I’m game. Although Tyler is smart as a whip he also has quite a few behavior problems that I have been trying to work on without much success. So I’m willing to give Windell a try. I invite you to travel with me for the next eight … Continue reading

Parenting With Love and Logic

What type of parent are you? Are you a helicopter parent? Or perhaps you’re a drill sergeant? In their book, Parenting With Love and Logic, Foster Cline and Jim Fay, describe two very different parenting styles. Read on to see which type of parent you might be, according to their definitions. Helicopter Parents A helicopter parent thinks that love means rotating their lives around their children. These parents hover over their children and rescue them whenever a problem arises. You might be a helicopter parent if: you are forever taking forgotten lunches, homework and permission slips to school, are always … Continue reading