Parents Peeved Over School Scare

My kindergartner freaks out when she sees a speck of blood, so I can only image her reaction to seeing bloody concrete, police tape and a chalk outline of a body on her way into school. Fortunately, she doesn’t attend class at Foxhill Primary in the UK. That’s where irate parents are chastising school officials for setting up a mock crime scene involving fake blood and a female teacher with plaster on her head. Apparently, school officials thought it would be a good idea to stage a violent break-in as part of a problem-solving exercise. Never mind that children as … Continue reading

Parents Outraged After School Imposes Late Fee

The monetary penalty is not being imposed on students who don’t return their library books on time or on those caught chewing gum in class. Rather, an elementary school in Portland, Oregon, is slapping parents with a fee if they are late picking up their kids from school. Running late because of a meeting at the office… Cha-ching! Lose track of time while chatting in the grocery store check-out line… Cha-cha-ching! Space out while tweeting about how your life consists of a series of endless errands, including picking up the kids from school… OMG! The kids! Cha-cha-cha-ching! According to news … Continue reading