Raising a Moral Child

Have you thought much about your child’s moral upbringing? Unfortunately it is one of the things that can fall by the wayside when you are a single parent. With all the other things that need to be done every day you may think that as long as you model good morals your children will learn by example. In some cases, this is true, in others, not so much. I’m not saying you have to take your kids to church every Sunday, I’m just saying that teaching morals needs to be a more active thing than simply modeling what you want … Continue reading

Having the Sex Talk

Here in my city, Milwaukee, the United Way has issued a new campaign called, “Let’s Talk.” It is a program designed to talk to teens about sex in order to prevent statutory rape. In Milwaukee, teen pregnancy is a significant issue (as it likely is in many other large cities across the United States). But one unique problem is the high number of children born to teens who are fathered by adult males. There are some pretty bold ads being placed on bus stops across the city. They depict older men inside teen girl’s bedrooms and say things like, “She … Continue reading

Teens Views on Sex

Earlier this week I read that the “National Center for Health Statistics” conducted a survey of over 4,500 teens, in which they were asked questions about sexual activity. Apparently the majority of teens don’t fear getting a sexually transmitted disease. However the ones that are most likely to abstain from sex are those who do so for religious reasons. I don’t understand how there isn’t a fear of sexually transmitted diseases. Perhaps they were not given graphic details, such as I shared with my children when they reached a certain age. I didn’t just tell them you can get gonorrhea, … Continue reading

Controversial Sex Ed Curriculum in New York

There is a controversy in New York schools concerning a sex education curriculum that students will be introduced to. One of the resources that students in school will be directed to is a website called “Go Ask Alice.” Of course, I invite you to check it out for yourself but I can tell you that it’s certainly not something I would provide my children with. If you click on the tab “Sexuality,” you get this red box that provides a snapshot of what you are about to link to. It reads: “Learn the A-B-Cs of S-E-X: abstinence, boners & clitorises.” … Continue reading

Parents Who Allow Teens to Have Sex at Home

Maybe I shouldn’t be shocked but I am. Apparently there is a new trend emerging in some homes, where parents are allowing their teens to have sex at home. Elizabeth Hasselbeck, co-host of “The View” and part-time contributor to “Good Morning America” took part in a discussion with both parents and teens in separate settings to discuss teen sex at home. There are some parents who believe that if their teens are going to have sex; they would be safer doing it at home. One mother cited her reasons for allowing her 18-year-old son to have sex at home is … Continue reading

Give Your Teen Opportunities to Make Their Own Decisions

Growing up I really had very little opportunity to make my own decisions. Even when I was 18 years old and living at home, very rarely could I make a decision that didn’t have to go past my parents. In fact, I remember wanting to drop a particular college course I was taking (and that I was paying for) but my parents wouldn’t let me. By 19 years of age I was on my own, tired of never being allowed the chance to make a grownup decision. I think I tucked that away somewhere inside of me as a lesson … Continue reading

Can Dating Cause Teen Depression?

I had a conversation with my daughter some time back about dating. It wasn’t that she was interested in dating or anything, but I just wanted to make sure she didn’t have any expectations that it was something we would allow anytime soon. I explained that in my experience dating at a young age had caused more stress than happiness. Along with dating comes always worrying about how you look, worrying about your ‘relationship’, and worrying about competition and threats to your relationship. Teens also have to cope with unexpected break-ups that can really throw a teenager for a loop … Continue reading

Homeschool groups and resources in Kansas L-Z

Involvement with other homeschoolers is very important to a family’s success in homeschooling. Joining a homeschool network or support group in your area will make a difference in your homeschooling journey. You can find homeschooling groups as well as many homeschooling classes, and programs that your students can enjoy. In this series, we are covering homeschool groups and resources across the country. This installment will cover Kansas homeschool groups and resources L-Z LaZers This is a Competitive Homeschool Athletic program in the Kansas City, MO metropolitan area. They have boys soccer, girls soccer, boys baseball, girls volleyball, girls basketball and … Continue reading

Why I Keep My Teens on a Short Leash

After reading No Free-Range Kids for Me? by Mary Ann Romans, I have to agree wholeheartedly. The idea of having free range kids is well, just a little nutty from me and coming from one of those crazy homeschoolers, that’s saying alot. In our entire neighborhood, we have one “free range” child, and I have been tempted to call child protection several times. I have seen him wandering both in and out of the subdivision in all types of weather, and there have been times that he came to my house for shelter as his mother locked him out of … Continue reading

Never Set Limitations

Michele Cheplic another blogger in Parenting Advice asks Would You Let Your Teen Run for Governor? She says she wouldn’t… but I would. When I talk about never setting limitations on teens, I do not mean not setting limits. There is a big difference. To set limits is to make rules, restrictions, and guidelines for their safety and based on their maturity level. Setting limitations, to me, means limiting the expectations of what you expect from them and what they can expect from themselves. My parents unintentionally set limitations on me as a teen. I had a love for drawing … Continue reading