Preparing Pets For A New Baby

As you prepare for the arrival of your baby, it is important to make sure that others in your family are also prepared to welcome the new arrival. Pets are an important part of many families, and the arrival of a new baby is a big adjustment for them. In order to keep both the human and animal members of your household happy and safe, check out these tips for preparing your pet for a new baby. It can be helpful to think of your dog or cat as an older child who, up until now, was your only child. … Continue reading

Preparing for Company

We are down to the wire, our houses need to be clean for company. When I’m having company over I always stress about the house, I want it to look nice and I want people to be comfortable in my home. I love having a houseful of people for the holidays. Big dinners, Christmas parties, I love those things. There is nothing better than being surrounded by the people you love. In order to have everyone here and feel good about it, my house needs to be clean. I have so much cooking and baking to do that I don’t … Continue reading

Preparing for Winter Photo Shoots

The weather outside is frightful, at least in Wisconsin. We have more than a foot of snow on the ground and relentless winds that are whipping around at 35 mph. It’s a true winter wonderland out there and would make for a gorgeous backdrop for a Christmas greeting card photo. However, braving the elements to take winter-themed pictures is not exactly high on my to-do list right now. However, in a few days I may change my tune. Frosty’s home does yield fantastic snow shots. The trick is making sure you and your equipment are protected from the harsh winter … Continue reading

Dumb Move By Dad Makes International Headlines

It went from bring your kid to work day, to have your kid do your work day, to you may not have a job to work at day. I’m referring to the mega controversial incident involving air traffic controller, Glenn Duffy, who allowed his 9-year-old twins to direct planes at one of the nation’s busiest airports. Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard the recordings of Duffy’s questionable stunt at Kennedy Airport. According to news reports, the 48-year-old dad allowed his two children to relay instructions to pilots on two separate days. Duffy brought his son to … Continue reading

Preparing for Your First Week as a Mom

As your due date approaches, concerns about how life will be after the baby comes are perfectly normal. Even if you have had a lot of experience babysitting other children, handling a newborn 24/7 and juggling motherhood with everything else can be a big challenge. Here are some things you can do to prepare: 1. Get plenty of rest. Resist the urge to stay up cleaning your house and sleep as much as possible during your last days of pregnancy. 2. Cook meals ahead of time. Prepare and freeze enough dinners to last you a solid week. You’ll be much … Continue reading

Preparing for Embryo Transfer

In vitro fertilization involves implanting fertilized embryos in the uterus in order to achieve pregnancy. When the eggs are ripened, an egg retrieval procedure is done to remove them. After the eggs are fertilized and begin to grow into embryos, the embryo transfer procedure is done. If donor eggs or frozen embryos are used, the woman’s cycle must be prepared for implantation, just as would naturally happen during a menstrual cycle. Depending on the health and infertility history of the woman, either the natural cycle will be followed or estrogen and progesterone will be given. This is a relatively simple … Continue reading

Preparing for Tough Economic Times

My sister and I were talking today about the importance of being prepared. She is worried about losing her job, and about how she would provide for herself if that were to happen. She also talked about the possibility of not losing a position, but everyone losing hours in order to save people’s jobs. As members of the church we have been counseled repeatedly to live within our means and to stick to a budget, and in these economic times it is even more important to begin doing these things. You can start by taking steps now to reduce the … Continue reading

Motivating Your Kids to Move

These days that might be tougher than finding a TV commercial that’s not politically motivated. For millions of kids the idea of putting down video game controls and picking up a bike to ride is a foreign concept. This, despite the fact that the federal government recently announced new fitness recommendations for all Americans. The guidelines stipulate at least 60 minutes a day of moderate or vigorous activity for children ages 6 to 17. Federal officials also noted that parents should be creating opportunities for their children to be physically active and encouraging them to consistently participate in those activities. … Continue reading

Preparing for the Storm

When you live in the woods, you have to be prepared. Gustav and Hanna have been in the news lately, as everyone pays close attention to the hurricane and severe storm watches and warnings. I have been no exception. The little weather alert has been popping up on my browser for the last two days, warning me of severe storms with high winds and possible flooding in my area. While I am not too concerned that we will find ourselves in a situation that requires evacuation, I still need to pay attention to the weather reports, especially because of those … Continue reading

Preparing for Fall Workouts

In a previous blog I encouraged you to take advantage of fall’s cooler temperatures to exercise outdoors. After all, there is nothing more invigorating than taking a bike ride or a simple stroll on a crisp autumn day. However, similar to working out in summer’s stifling heat, exercising in fall’s brisk conditions takes some planning. For example, during fall it gets darker earlier in the evening and stays darker later in the morning, so it pays to plan accordingly. If you are walking or running outdoors before the sun rises or after the sun goes down consider wearing a reflective … Continue reading