What Behavior NOT to Ignore

Often times, ignoring unsavory and unappealing behavior in our children is the best way to get it to stop. It is an ancient and very effective tool to have in a parent’s tool bag if you are able just ignore some things—they will go away if the child doesn’t get the hoped-for response from mom or dad. However, ignoring is not always the best route to take and there are some things that should NOT be ignored… As a rule, any behavior that is dangerous or destructive should not be ignored. This goes for things a child does that are … Continue reading

School Shooting

Another tragedy hit our education system today with shootings at Virginia Tech. At a little after seven o’clock this morning a call was made to the campus police reporting a shooting at West Amber Johnson residence hall. While the shootings were being investigated, another report came in from shootings across campus at classrooms in Norris Hall. Altogether, 32 people were killed and over 20 more were injured. The single shooter is also dead. It has not been confirmed yet if the shooter took his on life or was shot by police. However, this may be the worst campus shooting in … Continue reading

Helping Children Deal With News Trauma

Every time you turn on the news you are confronted with stories of car crashes, murders, bombings, or the latest natural catastrophe. As adults we can distance ourselves from the tragedies playing out on the television screen. But for children the news can be confusing and scary. The kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart, from her bedroom, received a lot of news coverage. My 6-year-old cousin saw some of the footage. As a result she was scared to sleep in her own room alone. For months she had to sleep in her older brother’s room, because she felt safer. Her parents did … Continue reading