
I’ve started throwing away what I write. Really. I’ve started writing and writing and writing and then deleting what I’ve written or just opening another blank document and starting again. I might write about the same thing or I might write about something completely new. I might write about nothing or I might be inspired by a particular quote. There are various methods of writing but I’ve settled on this one. I’ve never been one for highly structured outlines prior to writing my papers. My brain simply doesn’t think like that. I don’t think in “beginning, middle, end” linearity or … Continue reading

Interviewing Sandra Worth on Marriage, Commuting, and Writing

Have you ever had a remarkably gifted friend or acquaintance? One you just knew would “make it big” someday? I’d like to introduce you to a friend of mine like that, Sandra Worth. She’d tell you she’s far from such a person, but that’s only because she’s modest. I’m here to tell you otherwise. I first met Sandra when I was an editor for NovelBooks, Inc. I edited mysteries and romances mainly, but I ended up agreeing to edit her book (which was a historical) to help catch up on backlog. She made my job very difficult. Not because she … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: December 3rd through December 9th

Can you believe that it is just a few more weeks until Christmas? I have to confess that I don’t even have all of my decorations up or shopping and gift making done, yet. I hope you are doing better in that department than I am! This past week, we have had plenty of holiday articles, from decorating to gift giving ideas, all crafted with tips to save you money this season. Here is the Frugal Living blog week in review for December 3rd through December 9th December 3rd Free Land In the heart of American, towns from far and … Continue reading

The Marriage Blog’s New Millenium

Good morning! Welcome to our 1,000th post here in the marriage blog and let me tell you, it feels so weird to say we’ve been here for a 1000 different entries tackling everything from wedding planning to problem solving to dating and more. It’s been a real pleasure for me to be writing for this topic for nearly a year now and to share it with such an awesome co-blogger as Sherry Holetzky. With that in mind, we thought we’d offer a small treat for our 1,000th blog and we interviewed each other. So without further ado, let me present … Continue reading

How to Use Bibliotherapy to Help your Child Solve a Problem

HELP. My child has a problem around an important issue and I cannot afford to go to a child therapist to get professional advice. Does this cry for help sound familiar? Here’s a free tip: use books as an immediate and at home solution to help your child sort through and problem solve around the issue. In the previous article on using junior fiction as a virtual therapist, we looked at what Bibliotherapy is. Today we’re going to look at how to use a specifically chosen story to assist your child to problem solve, release their emotion and develop insight … Continue reading

Men and Women Are from Earth

A study came out recently in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology: “Men and Women Are from Earth: Examining the Latent Structure of Gender.” The central hypothesis of the paper is that men and women actually aren’t all that different.  Many of the differences that we might demonstrate have more to do societal expectations than inherent biology. This isn’t the first study on the subject.  I recently read the book “Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference,” by neuroscience psychologist Cordelia Fine.  In it she exposes noticeable trends in male vs. female psychology, both in … Continue reading

Don’t Let History Repeat Itself

The statistics show that if you are child of divorce you are at a higher risk of your own marriage ending that way. Is there some pattern that we are subconsciously teaching our children when we get divorced? When I was a teenager I told myself, “I am not my mother. I’ll never end up like she did.” And yet, here I am in almost the exact same situation she was in over 20 years ago. Didn’t I learn how to have a healthy relationship? Didn’t I learn how to communicate effectively? Maybe, I did. Maybe, I didn’t. But how … Continue reading

Diary of a Work-at-Home Mom, Part 1

Today is the first day that I tried out the grand plan that I had for this summer for my freelance writing business. The grand plan that I have for this summer is that once or twice a week, I would like to be able to take my son to a lake which is at a state park about a half hour from my home. I am a work-at-home mom, so being able to do the fun things that I want to do with my little guy definitely involves advance planning for when I will get my work done. My … Continue reading

Self-Esteem Uplift

Most people feel very low and unworthy after a break-up with their partner. If you have been left for another this is especially more painful. It is common to go through feelings of feeling depressed, unloved, unattractive, and unworthy. Feelings of being ugly, uninteresting, too fat, too skinny, not smart enough, and so on go through your brain. “He must have left me because there is something wrong with me” run through most people’s minds. To help you get through this difficult time there are some things that you can do to make yourself feel better. They are not cure-alls, … Continue reading

Don’t Lose Your Most Promising Ideas

Brainstorming is a good thing for a small business owner, but you may have discovered already that your best ideas do not always come at the most convenient times. Sure, it would be great if you were sitting at your desk or at least had a pen and paper handy when those fantastic ideas descend upon you but that is not always the case. How can you be sure not to lose those most promising ideas and take advantage of a sharp mind and strong problem-solving? There are some obvious ideas for keeping track of those grand ideas: recording them, … Continue reading