Quirky Rules That Work

Is it possible for a mom to get some me time by simply announcing, “I don’t work past 8 P.M.”? According to an article in the July 2007 issue of Parenting, it really is that simple. The article was called, Quirky Rules that Work and assures readers that this simple strategy will have them off duty at a specific time each night. The plan is for moms to go off duty at their kid’s bedtime. Instead of saying that you won’t perform any mom duties after 8, you are supposed to say it’s a rule. According to the author, she … Continue reading

Take a Parenting Time-Out

In a previous blog I wrote about an article I read that detailed quirky rules that work. One of the rules was to tell your kids that you’re basically off mom duty at a certain time. The goal was to assure that mom had an opportunity each day to have some “me” time. I’ve found an equally effective way to have a few minutes alone (no, not locking myself in the bathroom!) and that’s taking a parenting time-out. Typically, we give our kids time-outs when they are misbehaving but we can also take a time-out for ourselves, to recharge and … Continue reading

Letting Kids Suffer The Natural Consequences of Misbehavior

Allowing our kids to suffer the natural consequences of their actions is an effective discipline technique. Like most parenting methods, the key to success is consistency. Last week Tyler decided to test me on not one but two occasions. I had to make a trip to Tennessee and while walking down the frozen food isle at Publix he decided this would be an ideal time to throw a tantrum. I politely informed him that if he didn’t stop he would get a spanking and not get any ice-cream. He decided he would not stop so I had to follow throw … Continue reading

Making Use of “Trial Periods”

I have a tendency to be a results-oriented parent. I want to solve problems or at least come up with solutions that move us out of challenges and into more functional periods. You would think that after nearly two decades of parenting, I would learn that sometimes you have to go with temporary fixes and make the most of “trial periods” since kids and families always seem to be in a state of change and transition. Nothing lasts forever–and while I’m all for setting limits and working rules by which a family can exist, sometimes, we need to try something … Continue reading

Do You Suffer From One-More-Itis

A common complaint moms have is that there is never enough hours in the day. We also complain that we never have enough “me” time. One reason we may not be able to finish everything on our to-do list or snag a little me time is a little disease I like to call one-more-itis. One-more-itis is very common. I suffer from one-more-itis and I bet some of you do too. Or at least know someone who does. The disease compels moms to continuously do one more. It could be one more load of laundry or one more quick phone call … Continue reading

No Camera’s Allowed!

Have you ever been somewhere, and there posted on the door, usually in rather large letters, is “No Camera’s Allowed”? As a scrapbooker, I think that might be my biggest pet peeve. But I do understand that places such as museums and other attractions sometimes have those rules, and I understand why. But it sure doesn’t help me much when I want to scrapbook the event and wish I had pictures. So what do you do when there are no camera’s allowed? Well, you can be like the dishonest people I keep seeing everywhere who are strategically “dialing” their cell … Continue reading

Awards, Bodyguards, and Weimaraners: An Interview With Christy Tillery French

Christy Tillery French claims she always loved writing but then “life got in the way (I got married and had two kids) and didn’t begin writing again until I started my own business and during unbusy periods would write to amuse myself. Before I knew it, I had written five novels….” An interesting way to start on a track that has brought her many acclaims, including Who’s Who recognition on lists like Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who of American Women (just to name a couple), a 2006 Reviewers’ Choice Award, and a Maxwell Award nomination. Oh, and she’s … Continue reading