The Public Perception Of Home Based Workers

I recently read an article about a survey that was done by Citrix, a company that develops technologies to help people work from remote locations, such as their homes. You may have heard of one or more products from Citrix. They are the people who created GoToMeeting, a program that lets users in remote locations attend meetings at locations across town or around the world. For some reason, the study, at least how it has been portrayed, does not seem very flattering to home – based workers. One point that several articles that I read commented on is that the … Continue reading

What Are You Teaching Your Children?

Children can be cruel, especially to anyone who is different. I’m sure we all remember children from school that were bullied and picked on because they were different. Maybe some of us were even one of these children, subjected go torment and ridicule by others. Or maybe we were one of those who joined with the crowd in teasing the child who was perceived as different. As parents we need to teach our children what is acceptable behavior and what is not, e.g. many parents have to deal with a child who bites other children or hits them or kicks … Continue reading

Real Live Kids (Not Television Actors)

I have found that friends and acquaintances that do not have kids often have an unrealistic expectation of what life with children is like. My opinion is that they have 1. forgotten what it is like to be a kid themselves and/or 2. been unduly influenced by movie and television children who are extra-cute, extra-brilliant, or extra-obnoxious. Those of us who have taken the parenting road know, however, that real live children are really nothing at all like television characters… Sometimes my kids are cute, sometimes they seem like the most brilliant people on earth, and sometimes they are pretty … Continue reading

The Soundtrack of Our Lives

As Latter-day Saints, we have been told that “the song of the righteous is a prayer” unto God (D&C 25:12). The scriptures themselves are littered with songs – from the Song of Solomon and the Psalms in the Old Testament to ‘the psalm of Nephi’ which, though not a song, certainly sings to the soul. At the same time, many of us spend our lives surrounded with ‘regular’ music. Whether we listen to the radio in the car, or to tapes (does anyone still listen to those?) or CDs at home, or just sing along with our kids, music is … Continue reading

The most DESPICABLE thing a parent could do!

I did the most despicable thing a parent could ever do: I canceled my cable TV service. What, dude, are you nuts? You would give up the greatest pacifier and argument-ender ever invented? And, hey, you are a professor specializing in media! How are you going to stay current? The latter questions, regarding my career, are not relevant for this blog, but I might be able to offer a few insights into why getting rid of cable is not that much of a big deal, using my background knowledge. In some respects getting rid of cable TV is an empty … Continue reading