Days and Days and Days of Rain

I live in the Pacific Northwest–the climate where I live is relatively mild and since I am down in the valley, so to speak, we don’t really get the snows and ice of more harsh winters. What we do get, however, is rain–we have been enduring days and days and days of rain, almost nonstop. Even for those of us who are used to it, all this rain can take its toll on a family… My son was pacing around the house this morning, ruminating on whether or not he wanted to get his rain gear on to go to … Continue reading

How Long Has it Been Since You Examined Your Home Environment?

Have you ever been in one of those houses (maybe it is the house you grew up in) that seem to be stuck in a time warp. The carpeting hasn’t been updated, the photos are thirty years old, and the colors and furniture look obviously and sorely dated. Even if you think your home environment is hip and well-decorated, there are other ways the environment can get stale and not change as the family that lives within the environment changes and grows and develops. How long has it been since you looked over your home environment to see if it … Continue reading

Rearranging Space and Environment May Make Things Smoother

We humans are affected by our environment. I’m sure you have noticed how the physical space of your household has an influence on your family. When things are chaotic or cramped or over-crowded, the family may reflect that. On the other hand, too much space may make a family feel disconnected. Sometimes, just rearranging how your space or environment is configured or changing the way things are used, can have a direct positive impact on your family. Over the years, my children’s living arrangements have changed. They haven’t always had the same room or even shared a space with the … Continue reading