Relieving Tension in the Home

If there is one word that can sometimes describe the teen years, it is “tense.” There can be a lot of tension in the home, especially when you are dealing with certain challenges or disagreements. The reality is that our teens won’t always agree with us and they will almost certainly challenge us to some degree. It is easy to get wrapped up in those moments. It is easy to succumb to the temptations of acting just like them. It is easy to get into a shouting match or suddenly find yourself in a place where you don’t know who … Continue reading

Letting Go or Giving Up?

Virtually every parent of a teenager experiences turbulence. Sometimes it’s just a little bump in the road. It may not be a serious issue or it may not last long. But then there are other times when the turbulence tends to go on. The issues could be very serious, causing a lot of upset in the family. I personally know parents who have gone through mild and severe turbulence with their teens. I have my own experience with it. But what I am beginning to notice is that some parents are confusing “letting go” with giving up. What does it … Continue reading

Learn To Laugh

Everyone has advice for single mothers. Do this, don’t do that, never allow this, don’t put up with that. When I was first divorced everyone gave me a hard time for allowing Hailey to sleep with me. How was I ever going to remarry if my daughter was in my bed, I was setting her up to resent my future, non existent husband. I finally stopped paying attention, it’s too overwhelming, especially since most of the advice is conflicting. As a single mother who has been in the trenches for a while I can honestly say that the two things … Continue reading

Exercises That Burn More Calories in Less Time

With the holidays fast approaching and Old Man Winter bearing down, it’s easy to find excuses to ditch your regular workout. However, health experts say it’s a bad idea to remain inactive for a long period of time. Instead of taking an extended break from your regular fitness routine; experts say you should consider modifying your regime to include quick calorie-burning exercises that can be accomplished in a shorter amount of time. That way you can remain active over the next few weeks without putting a dent in your holiday schedule. Here are some tips on how to do so: … Continue reading