Round Three of Tween Hormones

Well its round three of tween hormones. My now officially 7th grader has been experiencing mood swings and periods of sadness. I went through it with my oldest son and am on the tail-end of it with my daughter. But once again it all begins. And I really believe that this time is going to be much more challenging. Why? My youngest is also my most sensitive child. That sensitivity wreaks havoc on his fluctuating hormones. As a parent, mood swings and hormones can be confusing. Yes, I know it can definitely be confusing for the one going through it. … Continue reading

Migraines and Hormones

My mother was around my age when she started having migraines. I’m starting to consider the fact that some of my splitting headaches recently are the result of monthly hormone changes. Symptoms of migraine can include: Moderate to severe pain (may be a pounding, throbbing pain) that may shift from one side to the other or affect the whole head. Sensitivity to light, noise, and/or odors Blurred vision Nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, abdominal pain Loss of appetite Sensations of heat or cold Dizziness Fatigue Aura — seeing bright, flashing lights or dots, blind spots, and/or wavy lines I’ve definitely been … Continue reading

Connecting to Your Preteen

The preteen years can be filled with surprises…some good and some not so good. The way a parent chooses to navigate these years could significantly impact the next stage, as they move into the teen years. One of the most important things you can do during this stage is stay connected with your preteen. This won’t always be easy; depending on how much havoc hormones is having on him or her. And your preteen’s personality will also play a role. All I can tell you is that the struggle with be worth it if you can still maintain a connection. … Continue reading

Celebrating a Birthday Milestone

This week is a big deal in our house. There is just something about your youngest child turning 13…yes; my “baby” has hit the teen years. It is hard to believe that I am “officially” the mother of three teenagers. He has really been looking forward to this week, as I think he has been feeling a bit slighted as of late. I can’t deny the fact that for the past couple of months there has been a lot of focus on my oldest son. It’s the preparations and talks about him joining the Air Force, turning 18 just a … Continue reading

Siblings that Don’t Get Along

This weekend was our annual trip to “Camp Tranquility.” Camp Tranquility is the name of the property that my dad and stepmom own. Their land is deep in the heart of the woods and right beside a river. It truly is a place of peace and tranquility. For my children and their cousins it’s a time of fun. They were in the river for hours, chasing each other and flinging mud. It was one of those few moments I get to enjoy all three of my children really getting along with one another. If there is one thing I would … Continue reading

Pregnant Women vs. Pregnant Pandas

“Congratulations, you’re pregnant! You can expect your baby to arrive in nine to eighteen months!” Can you imagine having not a due date, but something more along the lines of a due year? Or what if you could only become pregnant three days out of the whole year? What if your pregnancy was nearly impossible to detect? Would you be willing to deal with these inconveniences if I told you your baby would be the size of a stick of butter at birth? Talk about an easy delivery! Unfortunately, it’s not an option for you unless you are a Giant … Continue reading

Feeling Rested?

I ask because I’m not feeling rested today. See if you can make sense of it. Last night, I went to bed at 9:30. The alarm was set for 5:30. I fell asleep pretty quickly — felt like I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow! So it looks like I ended up with about eight hours of sleep. Pretty good, right? But I felt like I hardly slept at all — like as soon as I closed my eyes, the alarm was going off and it was morning already. The night before, I slept really well. … Continue reading

Tabby and Mr. Meow: Friends (And Playmates) At Last

Mr. Meow letting Tabby share his leather chair. Ever since I found Tabby and became a foster cat mom, she and Mr. Meow have had “issues.” If you’re new to reading my blogs, let me catch you up: The First Three Weeks Things were fine to start with. They tolerated being in the same rooms together, but kept a healthy distance. It was during Tab’s fourth week with us that things started changing… The Pregnancy During that fourth week she suddenly got just plain nasty towards Mr. Meow. She’d chase him from our bedroom and eventually got so territorial he … Continue reading

New Moms Are at Risk for More than PPD

One of the largest studies ever conducted on postpartum mental illness has found that first time moms are at a much greater risk for a variety of mental illnesses during the first three months after giving birth. Not just post partum depression but other more serious mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. The Study Danish researchers looked at the records of one million women over a course of 32 years from the time their child was born. According to their data, new, first time mothers are seven times more likely to be admitted to a mental hospital for … Continue reading

Understanding the Language of Breastfeeding

I’ve said it more than once in this blog; the time to learn about breastfeeding is when you are still pregnant. Trying to read through the breastfeeding books when you are exhausted and dealing with a newborn will leave you in tears. Spend some time during your pregnancy taking breastfeeding class, reading books and visiting a La Leche League meeting. When you spend time preparing in advance, you will feel more confident. If an issue does arise, you will probably remember reading about it and will be more likely to feel confident handling the situation. This blog contains some of … Continue reading