Are You Trying to Live through Your Children?

Are you a mom who tries to live through her children? I know of a couple of moms like that. It actually makes me sad to see their children having to be and do what their moms want them to be and do. I think there may be a couple of reasons this happens. The one we are probably most familiar with is the mom who didn’t get to do the very things they are forcing their children to do. So they think that because they missed out on something, the same will happen to their children. But there is … Continue reading

When Teens Start to Break Away

Last week I blogged about taking a break from your teen and how that is sometimes necessary. It had been kind of a rough couple of weeks, so it seemed to be good timing that my teen daughter was going away for the weekend. I was surprised at myself that I was also looking forward to the break. Usually when my daughter goes away for more than a day, I am missing her. But my thought that I wouldn’t miss her didn’t last long…just a few hours into her being gone; I started to wish she was home. Navigating through … Continue reading

I Hate My Teenage Daughter

No, I don’t hate my teenage daughter. But I’m sure the title of this blog captured your attention. This is actually the title of a new show coming to FOX, starting November 30th. I happened to see a preview of it this week. In the preview you see two mothers sitting together, talking about their teenage daughters. But all you hear is negativity. Granted, it’s supposed to be a comedy but I actually found the dialog a bit unnerving. Once again the world of sitcom is tackling an important relationship in such a way that it doesn’t promote any sort … Continue reading

Mixed Feelings on First Day of School

Last week I had to register my children for school. I have such mixed feelings about the first day of school. I have some sadness in knowing that it’s the last year of high school for my oldest and the first year of high school for my daughter. But at the same time I am excited about what is to come. My daughter continues to have reluctant feelings about the whole thing. Her attitude hasn’t been the most positive but I have a good feeling about everything. I really do believe she is going to enjoy her high school…but I … Continue reading

Are You a Velcro Parent?

You may have heard of the “helicopter” parent. They are the type of parent that kind of hovers around their child, almost overly involved in their child’s life. But recently I heard a new term be used, the “Velcro” parent. This parent sticks to their child like Velcro. I was having a conversation with another parent about teens applying for jobs. I had told him a funny story about my oldest son and he made the comment that some teens not only have their parents fill out their job applications but come with them to their job interviews. Now I … Continue reading

A Lesson in Hair Coloring

So for a few months my daughter has been bugging me to put blue streaks in her hair. I put it off, not because I didn’t think she should have them but I figured it would pass. My views on the hair thing have definitely changed over time. When my children were younger and I saw teens with colored hair I would think, “No way would I ever allow my children to color their hair.” But I have since developed a different view. First, I have come to realize that hair is a small issue compared to what I could … Continue reading

The Emerging of the Butterfly

I have been especially aware lately of some changes in my children that I can only compare to a butterfly as it comes out of its cocoon. When my children were younger we bought one of those butterfly habitats where you could watch the caterpillars spin their cocoons and eventually come out as a beautiful butterfly. It was a pretty amazing experience and that’s exactly how I feel now as I become aware of changes in my children. In my 16-year-old son I am beginning to see a level of maturity that hadn’t been there before. In my 13-year-old daughter … Continue reading

No More Little Girl

My 8th grade daughter has been working on transforming her room this past week. We let her pick out her own paint and come up with her own ideas. We are also letting her do the work. That is actually to our benefit (smile). However we told her that once she picks colors, it will stay that way until she moves out. So she had to be absolutely positive this was what she wanted. She picked out a very deep purple. It’s quite dark and a stark contrast from the first color of her room, pink. Her trim was always … Continue reading