Those Crazy Tweens

The lovely tween years, they are almost as baffling as the teenage years. Your little angel has gone from being a smiling, happy, bouncy child to a moody, eye rolling, smart mouthed tween. How did this happen? As parents the behavior of a tween is challenging and as a tween, it’s completely new territory. Suddenly your child is talking back, rolling her eyes, crying over the tiniest imagined slight. Initially you look for reasons, just like you did when she was a toddler and overtired, but this time, the reason is just that she is a tween. Girls tend to … Continue reading

Some Facebook Advice

Don’t you love that feeling as a parent when you know you are doing something right? It doesn’t always happen where we can get that assurance. In fact, guilt and doubt often plague mothers in particular. Well that’s how I felt after hearing something on the radio about being your teen’s Facebook friend. Experts claim that the communication between you and your teen is better if you don’t interact with them much (if at all) on Facebook. Why? Because the more you click “Like” or respond with comments, the more it is seen as stalking. That will cause your teen … Continue reading