Warhorse Causes Drama on Ancestry.com Facebook Page

Those of us who have been on Facebook for a while are well aware of the potential for drama to occur on this popular social networking website. Ancestry.com has launched a contest on its Facebook page, that has unintentionally caused quite a bit of drama. It seems the entry form doesn’t work correctly. I was on Facebook yesterday, when I noticed an ad that caught my attention. The ad said something about a historic, holiday card, that Ancestry.com had on their Facebook page. I decided to check it out, if for no other reason than it had the potential to … Continue reading

We’re Broke! Why Do We Need a Financial Planner? Part 2

Once you have made the commitment to achieving financial independence and have selected your advisor, the next step is the discovery interview. It is at this point that your planner will be attempting to ascertain how you feel about money. While that may sound pretty straightforward, money is a highly charged matter for most of us; it has come to represent many of the key structures of our lives—like security, safety, power, prestige, independence, and even love. In American society, money—how much we have, how we earn it, and how we spend it—has become a stand-in for our moral character. … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: September 2008

Here are all of the Baby Blog articles that were posted last month. September 1st Baby Blog Month in Review: August 2008 Isn’t it crazy the way babies grow so quickly? It seems that you just get used to one stage and boom they are already into another. Tonight, were busy getting the household all set for my eldest child’s first day of second grade. My two younger ones are excited and want to start school, too. It will be a busy month. September 2nd Babies Are Built to Say “Mama” and “Dada” First! Do you remember your baby’s first … Continue reading

Social Drama, Part Three–When it All Falls Apart

As I have been writing this series on the challenges of growing children and the pressures of their “social life,” I have been focusing on things we can do as parents to help them build strong social skills and bolster them against some of the pain and drama. Regardless of how much of that we do, however, there is a very good chance that at least once in their growing up years, our children will suffer at the hands of bullies, mean social cliques, get ousted from a social group, or experience their own transformation and decide to choose different … Continue reading

Social Drama, Part Two

Earlier today, I wrote an introduction to the concerns and realities of evolving social drama as it can affect our children. This is such a huge topic, I thought it made sense to break it up into a few parts—starting with how we can help our children maintain perspective and become “bolstered” for dealing with the realities of adolescent social drama. I think we can remind ourselves that there are many important life lessons that can be learned through all the social drama of childhood and adolescence. It does not have to be “all bad” or “all good.” I do … Continue reading

Paris Back To Her Partying Ways

Well, that didn’t take long. Just days after her release from jail, Paris Hilton has returned to her old stomping grounds. According to PEOPLE magazine, the 26-year-old socialite recently hit the L.A. hotspot Les Deux for a girls’ night out. Members of the paparazzi shot the heiress entering the club a little before midnight with a group of gal pals, including her sister Nicky and music producer David Foster’s daughter, Erin. Oh, and did I mention the millionairess brought along her two beefy bodyguards who struggled to keep other club patrons from snapping pictures of her. “Paris was super happy … Continue reading

Transition From Two Incomes to One

Most families with kids wish they could have more time together. One of the best ways to accomplish this is to reduce the time parents spend away from home at work. The problem with this scenario is money. Cutting back work time usually means cutting back income. If this is something your family dreams to do. A few things to consider are what working actually costs you. Yes, you do have to spend some money to make money. When evaluating your budget to determine if you can afford to go from two incomes to one, keep these common savings in … Continue reading

No Pity Party For Paris

Last week a veteran Hollywood publicist told a reporter from TV’s Entertainment Tonight: “Usually powerful people protect powerful people.” His comment was made following the re-jailing of Hollywood socialite Paris Hilton and spoke to the fact that when celebrities fall on tough times they can typically rely on their fellow stars to back them up in the midst of their crisis. In the case of Paris Hilton this celebrity “support” has been noticeably missing. Frankly, I find the publicist’s comment to be very interesting. Especially if you take a look back at other “fallen” stars. For example, when Mel Gibson … Continue reading

Tips for Salvaging a Rough Morning

Not every day starts out bright and filled with sunshine. There are going to be some days when kids wake up “on the wrong side of the bed” and are grumpy. Fortunately, there are some things that parents can do to salvage a rough morning – and prevent it from spoiling the rest of the day. Rachel Macy Stafford wrote a piece for Huffington Post Parents called “10 Ways to Salvage a Bad Morning Before Parting Ways”. In it, she has listed 10 ways that a parent can influence a grumpy child to change his or her mood and have … Continue reading

Prince William Speaks Out Against Poaching

We all know how altruistic Princess Diana was. I remember how before her death, she campaigned for many charities including those for the homeless, sick, elderly, and children. She also toured land mines in Angola – pretty uncharacteristic for a princess if you ask me. Earlier this week, I blogged about Prince Charles and how he narrated a new documentary titled Harmony: A New Way of Looking At Our World, in which he talks about ways to stop climate change and find new ways to protect our environment. So, with two parents so involved in social issues, how could Prince … Continue reading