More Laundry Tips

In my quest to simplify most household tasks I’ve gotten the laundry room organized and running smoothly. My last post was about sorting laundry and doing a load every day to cut down on the enormity of the task. Today I have some tips and tricks I’ve collected that help make laundry even easier. *Instead of sorting and mating socks, trying to figure out if those white socks are your husbands or your teenagers, give each person a mess delicates laundry bag. Collect the bags once a week, zip closed, toss in the washer and dryer and then return to … Continue reading

Sorting It All Out

I’ve been helping my friend Nancy declutter. For some people, being organize comes naturally, others have to work at it. The most important thing is to make it easy on yourself. If you have a way to sort, get rid of and throw away things they won’t pile up. Nancy’s laundry room is where everything ends up. Everything she doesn’t need goes there to die. First thing we have to do is set up some sort of system to get rid of it all. Since her laundry room is so big we are able to use storage bins for discards. … Continue reading

Laundry Tips

You know how they say that the dryer eats socks? I really believe this is true. How else do you explain your son putting his track clothes into the washer, you transferring them to the dryer and then the next morning when pulling them out, finding that one sock is missing? This wasn’t a big load and it didn’t fall next to the washer or dryer. So it is a mystery that will probably never be solved. I remember this being a much bigger issue when my three children were small. Trying to find socks that match and stayed with … Continue reading

Solve Laundry Room Chaos!

Do you just want to scream when you go into your laundry room? Are there dirty clothes every where, empty detergent bottles, stuff on top of the washer and or dryer, and other chaos? Let us solve it all to leave you with a laundry room that is so pleasant and organized, you’ll want to give all of your friends private tours of it. The laundry room can so easily get out of control. It is the place where it is literally okay to dump things (dirty clothes) and run out of the room. No wonder it is so easy … Continue reading

Laundry Timesavers

Everyone is looking for a way to save time. In my mind time spent doing housework is wasted time. I could use that time to spend with the people I love or pursuing hobbies I enjoy. So I’m always looking for ways to streamline, to get things done. These tips may not make for perfection, but they will be good enough. I’m going to start with laundry. From the dirty clothes hamper back to the drawer or closet there are little things you can do to save time. The first thing I do is sort the laundry as I go. … Continue reading

Laundry Tricks to Use When You’re Sick

I’ve been sick for the last few weeks, and the laundry has really piled up. I’ve tried to keep up with emergency items (“Mom, where is my favorite green shirt?” and “Honey, did you happen to wash my black pants?”) but honestly, trying to get it all done when I get winded just sitting was a bit much. I’m still sick, but as we are definitely in a crisis mode with the laundry, I’m aiming for at least two loads of laundry a day, completely washed, dried (or hung), and folded when dry. Putting it all away is another story, … Continue reading

The Romans Laundry Room

A laundry room is just another utilitarian room in the house. Or is it? After reading Crissy’s post, My Laundry Room,” I was inspired to write my own. After all, I learn a lot from the way other people have their homes set up, and I am always looking for suggestions for my own. Just like Crissy, I seem to be doing laundry all of the time, but it is no longer daily. With our new larger capacity washer, I find that it is usually more efficient to wait until I have an overly full basket of one type of … Continue reading

The Laundry Pantry

What do you do when the basement is the coolest place in the house during hot and humid afternoons? Clean up the laundry pantry of course! Our house is about 81 and very humid right now. We don’t have central air conditioning, and the window air conditioners have not yet been installed. Actually, I’ve never lived anywhere for more than a few months with central air conditioning, so I tell myself that I don’t know what I am missing. Still, no one wants to be hot, so my four-year-old and I headed down to the finished basement to stay cool. … Continue reading

Activity Days Activity- Laundry 101

One of my dreaded chores growing up was folding the laundry. I don’t know why, but in a family of 6 people, this was not a fun task. To this day, I have to say I hate doing laundry. I’m lazy and wait and do it all in one day. My husband seems to think that it would be better if I would do a little every day, but that sounds even more dreadful to me. I didn’t really learn much about laundry until I lived on my own. I’m sure my Mom tried to teach me, but I didn’t … Continue reading

Pile Up Your Laundry (And Save)

Do you need an excuse to let your laundry pile up until it is what is affectionately known in our house as Mount Washmore? If you would rather procrastinate until the last pair of underwear is worn and the favorite sweater hasn’t been seen for a month, then keep reading. I have a great reason for letting your laundry pile up to the ceiling. You’ll actually save money. Yes, I know that there are some of you out there who are shuddering right about now. After all, what would FlyLady say? What about those teams of certified organizers? Doing one … Continue reading