Yelling is Still Bad

You’ve heard the old joke: If you don’t yell at your kids, then you aren’t spending enough time with them. Well, parenting experts aren’t laughing at that one. Regardless, it isn’t stopping frustrated moms and dads from raising their voices when their kids misbehave. Nine years ago, a study published in The Journal of Marriage and Family, found that 88 percent of nearly 1000 parents interviewed admitted shouting, yelling or screaming at their children in the previous year. That percentage jumped to 98 percent in families with 7-year-old children. Today, that number has barely budged. Recent polls show that parents … Continue reading

Stop the Yelling Before It Starts

We’ve all been there. It’s been a long day, your child has been driving you up the wall, they’re not listening to a word you say, and you can feel your blood begin to boil. Even the smallest mishap causes you to raise your voice and your back to feeling guilty for it a moment later. We’ve all had these moments from time to time. Being a parent isn’t easy, and we all slip up every once in a while. Next time you start feeling the tension rise try one of these simple solutions to stop the yelling even before … Continue reading

Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One Before…

All parents work hard at being a parent. It’s not easy to give up hours of sleep because your child needed you, and then head into work the next morning. It can be frustrating to have your child going through a “difficult stage”, no matter if that stage is due to age, personality, or just the result of a really bad day. When your child is in a public place, and behaving in ways that make people stop and stare, it can be completely embarrassing, for you, the parent. These are the moments when you are going to be the … Continue reading

Stop Yelling

Last week my middle school son started football. I thought everything was going fine. But yesterday morning he woke up with a stomachache and told me that he knew he wouldn’t be able to make it to football camp in the evening. I thought it was a little premature and my mother’s intuition kicked in saying there was something more going on. I figured that as the day went on his stomach would get better and he would tell me what was really bothering him. Of all my children it is my youngest that is the hardest to breakthrough. When … Continue reading

Should Both Parents Tend to the Baby at Night?

Whose job is it to get up in the middle of the night to tend to a crying infant? There was a time when the automatic assumption was that this task was entirely for the mother. Today, there are plenty of parents who realize that there are good reasons to share this responsibility. Babies are incredibly cute. They can also be exhausting. Many babies simply refuse to sleep through the night. They loudly let their parents know that they need a diaper change or want to be fed. At least one parent needs to get up to tend to the … Continue reading

Do You Want To Yell Less and Love More?

The past three days have been very peaceful around here. Not quite, mind you, but peaceful nonetheless. I think that I know why, too. You see, a few days ago, I came across a wonderful blog called The Orange Rhino Challenge. The blog is a chronicle of one mom’s commitment to “Yell less, love more”. Once I read about how not yelling has made a huge difference for both The Orange Rhino and her family, I decided that I, too, want to stop yelling at my kids. I do my best not to yell, but it happens. I have yet … Continue reading

Getting Your Kids to Listen to You

I’ve been a little frustrated with my son lately. It seems like I have to ask him ten times to do anything, and even then he still won’t do it. He’s unbelievably stubborn; and too smart for his own good. That whole reverse psychology thing doesn’t work with him anymore. I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve lost my cool with him before when he won’t do what he’s told, much less acknowledge that he’s even been asked to do anything. He’s a pro at ignoring. After our nightly shower battle, I finally decided to do a little research … Continue reading

Parents Use Medical Marijuana for Son’s Autistic Rage

A family in Oregon is using a non-traditional source of medication to manage their son’s medical conditions. He is severely autistic, and has had incidents of rage. He also has Tuberous Sclerosis. The parents are using medical marijuana as a form of treatment. Alex Echols is eleven years old. He is severely autistic, and has exhibited self-destructive behavior. This behavior has been described as rage. Alex also has Tuberous Sclerosis. According to the Mayo Clinic, it is a complex and rare genetic disease. It causes benign (or noncancerous) lesions to grow in many parts of the body. The lesions can … Continue reading

Let the Screaming Begin!

If you couldn’t tell by the title of this post I have a screaming child next to me. I’m on the verge of going to find my own corner to scream in. It’s been one of those days…weeks…months…ok, years. He’s very four. I may have thrown the idea of selling him to the zoo around a few times today. It certainly would make for a less stressful night, but I guess I might miss the screaming after a few days…maybe. Kids are hard and it seems they are always harder during this time of year. With all of the excitement … Continue reading

Just Released: Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Dr. Laura Markham

      November 28, 2012 was a great day for parents of toddlers. In fact, it was a great day for parents of all children. On November 28, 2012, Dr. Laura Markham’s first book, “Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids : How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting” was released. If you are already familiar with Dr. Laura Markham through her web site, Aha Parenting, then you know just how wonderful this news is. I can not remember how I first came across the Aha Parenting web site, but I can say that I visit it regularly, especially when I am … Continue reading