Letting Kids Suffer The Natural Consequences of Misbehavior

Allowing our kids to suffer the natural consequences of their actions is an effective discipline technique. Like most parenting methods, the key to success is consistency. Last week Tyler decided to test me on not one but two occasions. I had to make a trip to Tennessee and while walking down the frozen food isle at Publix he decided this would be an ideal time to throw a tantrum. I politely informed him that if he didn’t stop he would get a spanking and not get any ice-cream. He decided he would not stop so I had to follow throw … Continue reading

Stopping Unwanted Behavior by Setting the Alarm

KISS- Keep It Simple Sweetie. I’m sure you’ve heard this before but when it comes to raising our kids this adage rings true. I’m not sure what prompted me to do this but the last few weeks I have started setting the alarm on my cellphone as a signal to Tyler that I will no longer tolerate any more whining from him after the alarm sounds. Whining is one behavior that seems to be getting out of hand. What surprised me about setting the alarm is that it has worked well. A simple idea but very effective. Here’s how I … Continue reading