No Time To Be Sick

Sick days. Isn’t it funny that once you become a single parent that term no longer applies to you? I have always been fortunate enough to work for companies that provide a generous time off benefit, but still, I never took real vacations. I was too busy being the caretaker to vacation. As a single parent I knew that any paid time I had needed to be hoarded in case Hailey got sick. First, you can’t send them to day care when they’re sick and you don’t want to leave them at home alone when they are sick either. So … Continue reading

Do You Feel Guilty When You Get Sick?

For some reason, many of us not only try to avoid admitting when we are getting sick or have come down with an illness, but to actually feel guilty when we do. As if it is shows some weakness or is some failing on our part. While it may not feel like there is room for illness in a single parent’s life, illness can be our body’s way of telling us to slow down and take care of ourselves or it can be an opportunity for us to learn how to let go of the guilt and feelings of weakness. … Continue reading

Too Sick for School? How Do You Know For Sure?

I’ve been wrong and I’ve been right on this one—there have been times (I shamefully admit) that I have been tricked and thought my kids were sick enough to stay home only to have them bouncing around and joyfully playing an hour later—and there have been other times I’ve sent them off to school only to take a call two hours later telling me to come and pick them up. How can a parent know if a child is really too sick for school? Obviously, from my earlier confession, I don’t think there is a hard-and-fast, unfailing rule for how … Continue reading

Does Your Baby Get Car Sick?

We’re all so used to hearing the tales of putting the baby in the car to soothe them and help them go to sleep. But babies can get carsick too. If your baby suffers from motion or car sickness in the car, here are some tips to help prevent the queasiness when they are riding in the car: Feed them ahead of time – avoid giving them bottles or other food while they are riding in the car and to prevent them taking a car ride on an empty stomach. If they get motion sick, an empty stomach will increase … Continue reading