Obama Cut Funding for Abstinence-Only Sex Ed

President Obama has eliminated all government funding for abstinence-only sex education programs in public schools. Research shows that abstinence-only-until-marriage programs are ineffective and that they negatively impact young people’s health. Abstinence-only sex ed programs, and abstinence-until-marriage programs, are an extremely limited version of sexual education. These types of programs emphasize that young people should not have sexual intercourse until after they are married. Abstinence based sexual education programs rarely include information about anatomy, puberty, sexual health, and sexual orientation. These programs are favored by some Christian religious groups and by Republican lawmakers. Research shows that abstinence-only sexual education programs are … Continue reading

Teenage Pregnancy

One of the statistics that everyone is happy to trot out against single parenting is teenage pregnancy. Many single mothers were teenagers themselves which puts their daughters at higher risk, and being raised in a single parent family seems to raise the risk in general. Girls from intact families get pregnant as teenagers as well, but since no one is pointing the finger at their families it’s just us, single moms who are told our daughters will be another statistic. What can you do? How can you help your daughter make better choices when you may be guilty of those … Continue reading

What You Need to Know About Your Texting Teen

If your teenager cannot connect with you on a relationship level or if that relationship is too stressful, painful, or difficult, there are plenty of other places your teen can connect. Even if your relationship is merely strained and not broken altogether, your teen has plenty of options for connection, validation, acceptance, and support apart from you. You are in competition for your teen’s connection. You are competing with peers and with technology because many of those other options for connection are only a cell phone or keypad away. It used to be that you punished a child by sending … Continue reading

Having the Sex Talk

Here in my city, Milwaukee, the United Way has issued a new campaign called, “Let’s Talk.” It is a program designed to talk to teens about sex in order to prevent statutory rape. In Milwaukee, teen pregnancy is a significant issue (as it likely is in many other large cities across the United States). But one unique problem is the high number of children born to teens who are fathered by adult males. There are some pretty bold ads being placed on bus stops across the city. They depict older men inside teen girl’s bedrooms and say things like, “She … Continue reading

Teens Views on Sex

Earlier this week I read that the “National Center for Health Statistics” conducted a survey of over 4,500 teens, in which they were asked questions about sexual activity. Apparently the majority of teens don’t fear getting a sexually transmitted disease. However the ones that are most likely to abstain from sex are those who do so for religious reasons. I don’t understand how there isn’t a fear of sexually transmitted diseases. Perhaps they were not given graphic details, such as I shared with my children when they reached a certain age. I didn’t just tell them you can get gonorrhea, … Continue reading

Controversial Sex Ed Curriculum in New York

There is a controversy in New York schools concerning a sex education curriculum that students will be introduced to. One of the resources that students in school will be directed to is a website called “Go Ask Alice.” Of course, I invite you to check it out for yourself but I can tell you that it’s certainly not something I would provide my children with. If you click on the tab “Sexuality,” you get this red box that provides a snapshot of what you are about to link to. It reads: “Learn the A-B-Cs of S-E-X: abstinence, boners & clitorises.” … Continue reading

Parents Who Allow Teens to Have Sex at Home

Maybe I shouldn’t be shocked but I am. Apparently there is a new trend emerging in some homes, where parents are allowing their teens to have sex at home. Elizabeth Hasselbeck, co-host of “The View” and part-time contributor to “Good Morning America” took part in a discussion with both parents and teens in separate settings to discuss teen sex at home. There are some parents who believe that if their teens are going to have sex; they would be safer doing it at home. One mother cited her reasons for allowing her 18-year-old son to have sex at home is … Continue reading

Teens Being Charged with Child Pornography

About a week ago I watched a segment on “The View” about a young girl who at the age of 13 met a man in an online chat room. The whole situation is quite disturbing. He apparently “talked” her into sending nude pictures. Not only that but he also convinced her to perform sexual acts with friends on her web cam. While I am somewhat sympathetic to the pressure she may have felt about sending pictures, I don’t feel quite the same about the acts she performed with her friends. How a person online can convince someone to do these … Continue reading

Consequences of Sexting

Sometimes it is really hard to get teenagers to understand the seriousness of some issues…for instance, texting while driving or the dreaded problem of sexting. I read recently of a 16-year-old girl who was dating a man over the age of 18. She sent him nude pictures of herself and when she finally decided to call it quits, he blackmailed her with those pictures. Thankfully she did the right thing and went to her parents who called the police and now the man is facing criminal charges. However we can’t be so quick to dismiss the original problem…she sent nude … Continue reading

Preventing Teen Pregnancy

Is it possible to prevent teen pregnancy? While I like to think that as a parent you are going to be a powerful influence over your child, the reality is that there are no guarantees. Even the best parents see their teens make decisions that are heartbreaking. I can’t help but think of Sarah Palin. I truly believe that family did everything in their power to teach their children the right behavior, however, in the end they could not completely control the decisions that daughter Bristol would make. There is simply no guarantee that your teen won’t engage in sex. … Continue reading