Stranger Danger No Longer the Only Problem

It seems like lately all I am hearing are stories of child sexual abuse. Most of us are well aware of the Penn State scandal involving Jerry Sandusky, a former football coach. There are 10 alleged child victims. Then just this morning I hear on my local news station about the director of communications for the evangelical Lutheran organization, WELS, being arrested for charges of child pornography. Football coaches, religious leaders, teachers…the very ones we entrust our children to, taking advantage of their vulnerability and abusing their powers. Who can you trust anymore? Sadly, we live in a world where … Continue reading

MTV Show “Skins” Has Gone Too Far

If you aren’t familiar with the Parents Television Council (PTC), it is an advocacy group in the United States that educates parents on the content of television programs. While some may think the PTC infringes on the right to freedom of speech there have been instances where I have to applaud them. The most recent is what they describe as the “most urgent alert” they have ever passed along to parents. It’s regarding an MTV program called “Skins.” Now I will admit that in passing I have heard reports about this show on various media outlets. I haven’t paid much … Continue reading

Was This a Violation of Rights?

A 17 year old girl in Pennsylvania was using her cell phone in school and it was taken away. The principal found on her cell phone inappropriate pictures of the girl who owned the phone and turned it in to the police. Now she is suing because she believes that her rights were violated. There seems to be a growing epidemic of students taking or being in possession of inappropriate pictures. Recently I had a discussion with my 16-year-old son making him aware that if he was ever sent a naked picture of a minor, he could be charged for … Continue reading

Teacher and Student Relationships: A Growing Problem?

I really feel a need to rant. I don’t know what others think but it seems to me that there has been a tremendous increase in the number of inappropriate incidences between teachers and students. In the past week I have heard of three separate cases where local teachers are being charged for having sexual relations with middle school or high school students. I can hardly believe that in just one week’s time there are three separate incidences in three separate school districts. What in the world is going on here? Last night I was watching my local news which … Continue reading

High School Activities in Middle & Elementary Schools

I have traveled by many schools over the past couple of weeks. The schools in my county have a message sign in front of them. It seemed that each school had some type of announcement of a special event. Some schools were giving dates for ballgames and homecomings while others were announcing dances and Valentine’s Day activities. I began to wonder when homecomings and Valentine’s Day dances became part of the elementary school schedule. It seems that most high school traditions have now trickled down into our middle and elementary schools. Almost every elementary school with a basketball team now … Continue reading

Special Education and Children with Chronic Health Problems

Children with an acute or chronic illness have a tough road. Not only must they deal with the typical challenges of growing up, including school work, peer relationships, family stress, etc., but they must simultaneously cope with the symptoms of their disease. Conditions such as asthma, epilepsy, leukemia, sickle-cell anemia, diabetes, and even ADD/ADHD (Attention-Deficit Disorder/Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) fall under the classification of “other health impairment,” which is one of the thirteen recognized areas of disability. This is according to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA). (See my previous blog entry: “What Qualifies as a Disability?”) … Continue reading