Signing Part I

I first came across the concept and practice of signing with infants when I was doing my pre pregnancy research on how to best achieve a better and healthier birth.  Once we were pregnant with our first child, a son, I came across the information again and even watched a few videos of a mother signing with her fifteen month old daughter.  The idea is that parents start using sign language with their infants for basic words e.g. “milk,” “all done,” “diaper,”  so that the infant can communicate basic needs and wants before he or she is verbal. This not … Continue reading

Dogs and Cats Living Together: Body Language

Dogs and cats may not always get along, but it seems they CAN learn to understand each other. Researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel took a good long look at canines and felines who share a household. Taken individually, canine and feline body language often has opposite meanings. For example, a dog with his ears back or stretching out on his back is relaxed and even submissive. In cat speak, those behaviors are actually signs of aggression. But when the two species take up residence together, researchers have seen cats and dogs adapting their language. Dogs often greet other … Continue reading

But Baby Einstein Is Interactive. . .

Disney is not pleased with the gurus at the University of Washington and they’re making it known. It probably would’ve been much better if the boys at U of W would’ve done their study when Baby Einstein was still owned by a mom and filmed in her basement. But Disney has the big bucks to fight back and they are. So not only have Disney lawyers written a scathing letter to the University demanding a retraction of their statement (I’m thinking the one about babies being more intellectually stimulated by watching American Idol, ruffled some feathers) but they’ve also launched … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: Feb. 25 through March 2

This week we have touched a lot on issues that people love to talk about. From teaching your baby a foreign language to miracle babies in the news we’ve covered it all. If you’ve missed something. . .take a peek. Feel free to leave a comment! Sunday, February 25 The Truth About Television The truth is that television is like soda for your baby’s brain. However, with an onslaught of media products specifically geared towards babies, we’re made to believe that they significantly improve our baby’s cognitive development. But do they? Monday, February 26 Teaching Your Baby a Foreign Language … Continue reading

Teaching Your Baby a Foreign Language

This is a hot trend and experts agree that if you want your baby to be bi-lingual, he/she must be exposed to a foreign language. Learning a foreign language is not only highly practical (depending on which one you learn), but is also supposed to help develop brains and enhance cognitive development. As someone who speaks two other languages (besides English) fluently, I have to agree. If you want your child to be fluent, the time to start is while they are still in the cradle. Foreign language is incredibly easy to learn the earlier you start. It helps with … Continue reading

The Baby Week in Review October 21-27

Welcome to this week’s Baby Week in Review as we go over all the stories that were covered in the Baby Blog for the week of October 21 through the 27th. There was a lot of ground covered this week and we’re heading into the end of October and beginning of November. Next month marks my baby’s 6th birthday and I keep wondering how we got so far, so fast. Still, I get to relive some of the great moments and share my memories here in the baby blog. So without further ado, here is our Baby blog week in … Continue reading

Baby Sign Language: Good or Bad?

Do you sign with your baby? Popular books like BabyWise by Ezzo tout signing with your baby as the answer to teaching your baby manners. At around five months, you’re supposed to start teaching your baby signs for thirsty, hungry, please and thank you. Other proponents note that babies definitely are able to think more than they can communicate. Teaching sign makes communicating basic needs much less frustrating. (Have you ever had your child repeatedly say a completely unintelligible word to their utter frustration because you can’t understand?) If only all babies signed, we could see what’s inside their heads … Continue reading

Teaching Baby Sign Language

This blog contains some basic information about teaching baby sign language much of it drawn from the site Signing For more detailed information, pictures of babies signing, and helpful hints I suggest visiting their website. Most parents start with need based signs such as: milk, more, drink, hungry, all done, sleep, diaper, etc. These signs allow your child to tell you when they need something. Once your baby has mastered the need-based signs then you can add other signs that your baby finds motivating. Think about what your child enjoys, if your child loves books or to play with … Continue reading

Some Q&A on Baby Sign Language

We’ve been talking about baby sign language both here and in the Parenting blog. Because I’ve gotten a couple of notes on blog I wrote about baby sign language, I thought we’d start off this morning with a few questions and answers about baby sign language. Does Baby Sign Language cause a delay on when a baby speaks? Studies indicate that teaching your baby sign language helps teach speech at the same time. The point is to not sign in silence, but to use signs in conjunction with spoken words. Let’s put it this way, the sign for thank you … Continue reading

Communicating with an Infant with Hearing Loss

According to the March of Dimes, 3 in 1,000 babies each year are born with congenital hearing loss or deafness. This hearing loss can be caused by genetic and non-genetic factors. Genetic factors are thought to cause up to 50 percent of hearing loss in infants and young children due to the mutations of as many as 400 genes. Non-genetic causes include illness or injury such as rubella during the mother’s pregnancy. In many cases, the cause of an infant’s hearing loss is unknown. If your baby has been diagnosed with hearing loss or deafness you may be frightened about … Continue reading