Teaching Your Kids To Be Fiscally Fit

When Tyler announced recently that “we’re not poor”, I realized that perhaps it was time to start teaching him the value of money. At first I couldn’t understand why he would say such a thing, then I realized that in his mind we’re not poor. He also mentioned that “poor people don’t have money”. Because he basically gets what he wants he assumes we have money. No attempts to persuade him otherwise has worked so, actions speak louder than words, as they say. So for 2007 I’ve made a resolution to teach Tyler that although we’re not as poor as … Continue reading

Paying for Inappropriate Behavior

Should we make our kids pay for choosing not to behave properly? I recall when I was younger a novelty item was on the market called a “cuss box”. Each time someone cursed, he or she had to deposit a specified amount of money, generally a quarter, into the bank. The person who had challenged the other person not to curse would keep all the money deposited in the bank. Generally, the challage was for a week. The idea was to curb the potty mouth by taking money away from the offender. Should we apply the same technique to curb … Continue reading

The Gimmes

It’s often hard for young kids to separate a need from a want. As parents, it’s our responsibility to help them learn to decipher on their own this difference. Tyler has developed a case of the gimmes. As we plan for our return to New Orleans, part of this planning involves having to totally restock our home including his bedroom, of course. As such, he has come up with a list of items that he wants. Notice I said “want” not “need”. Some of these items include a candy machine, a file cabinet, a 40-inch plasma TV and a paper … Continue reading

Learning To Just Say No

Book Review: No: Why Kids –Of All Ages– Need To Hear It and Ways Parents Can Say It, by Dr. David Walsh Parenting expert and psychologist, Dr. David Walsh of the Institute on Media and the Family, says that parents don’t say the word, “no” enough to their kids. One of the reasons he feels this is true is because of the media. Kids today are bombarded with commercials and as a result they get a bad cause of the “gimmes”. Sadly, a lot of parents will give in and buy their kids whatever they ask for. He calls this … Continue reading

11 Tell Tale Signs of a Great School

I fully realize that education is not a “one size fits all” proposition and I believe it’s important to find the right school for your child. However, there are definite signs that a school is thriving. . .or not. In researching a school, don’t be shy about asking questions. Would you invest thousands of dollars without asking where your money is going? Of course not. Neither should you invest several years of your child’s life without asking some questions. It is perfectly acceptable to set up an appointment with the school principal if the school in question doesn’t already have … Continue reading