The World of Dating Has Entered Our Home

The world of “dating” has at last entered our home. It is something I wasn’t necessarily dreading but definitely wasn’t looking forward to. I have always said that this time could only come based on certain factors. It wouldn’t be a “magical age” in which permission would be granted. It would be based on things such as grades, my level of trust, the character of my child and so on. In other words, it would be taken on a case-by-case basis. In addition, I have spent the past few years observing the way other families have handled this issue. Now … Continue reading

Something Important to Look for in Teen Dating

This week my family celebrated my stepmother’s birthday at a restaurant. I asked my daughter if she would like to have her boyfriend join us, which of course she did. It has been my goal to take advantage of any opportunity to get to know him. Now this isn’t the norm, I realize. Most of the time when teens are dating, the parents are kind of on the outside trying to look in. Not this mom. I am an involved (please don’t mistake it for smothering) parent. The great thing is that my daughter has absolutely no problem with this. … Continue reading

Preparing for the Battle, Gearing Up for the War

When my children were younger, I really thought I knew how I was going to parent them as teenagers. I observed other parents and saw much of what I thought was “wrong.” Sure, I saw some good examples but I was convinced that parenting with strictness was the only way to go. Well let me tell you something, most of what I thought when they were younger has completely gone out the window. And even though my children will probably still tell you that I am “strict,” they have no idea what it could have been. If I had decided … Continue reading

Encouraging Friendship before Dating

Like it or not, eventually you are going to deal with boy/girl issues. To some, the way our family chooses to address this issue is radical. And then I’m sure to others, it’s not radical enough. But we all have to make a personal and family decision about how this area will be addressed. One of the things I can tell you, is that what I thought would happen when my children were still very young is no where close to that. What I have discovered is that you have to take each child and each situation and deal with … Continue reading

Signs of Teen Dating Violence

This past week I watched a disturbing Dr. Phil show, “Teens Obsessed with Love.” It went beyond the whole idea of a teen believing they are in love to the point where violence was going on. It used to be a domestic partner phenomenon but now teen dating violence has become a new and growing problem. What could ever cause a teen to become violent with the one they supposedly “love?” What could cause a teen to allow someone else to victimize them? I can’t say that I completely understand it but it opens up the opportunity to have some … Continue reading

Teen Dating: When Your Teen Is Ready

So you have decided that your teen is finally ready to start dating. Now what? Do you just let them loose and wish them luck? Not likely. While it may appear to be a time that you have lost all control, this is the time where your parenting can really shine through. First of all, remember that you have been an example to your teen. If you feel that your example has been less than stellar it is never too late to change. Think about the way you treat your spouse or significant other. What type of respect, or lack … Continue reading