Eating Habits

You know the old saying, “You are what you eat.” But I also think it could be said that our children are what we eat. In other words, our eating habits are transferred down to them. I was recently reading an article about the “10 Bad Eating Habits Parents Often Teach their Kids” and came to a realization about something. I have gotten slack in this department. When they were younger, I had a lot more control over what they ate. I leaned toward healthier choices and because that was what I purchased, it was what I ate as well. … Continue reading

Video Interview with a Sleep Doctor and Mom

Recently I was invited to ask a women’s health expert, Dr. Donnica, some questions about sleep habits. She put together a terrific video that I hope you will watch. What I appreciated about this opportunity was the ability to ask questions specific to moms of teenagers. When our children are very young, there is a lot of focus on how moms lose sleep. But it doesn’t always get better when our children become teens. In addition, teens have their own sleep issues that can interfere with their daily lives so I thought this was a great way to get some … Continue reading

Green Living and Eating

Maybe it’s just me, but I had never associated my eating habits with going green. However, a recent article I read suggested that by eating less we are consuming fewer resources. The world is all about consumption, and if we want to cut that down, then eating less would make sense. I also thought about the trips my family has made over the years to fast food restaurants. We have consumed a lot of McDonalds. Not only that, but if I were to calculate the amount of emissions that have been produced due to those trips I would probably be … Continue reading

Keeping Teens Out of their Friends Cars

It would be so easy to retire my taxi cap and allow my kids to take rides from friends. Last night for instance, we drove my son nearly an hour from home for a party on the other side of the county. He had other friends going there and those friends cound drive, but I am happy to be able to drive him where he needs to go. There is just too much danger in teens driving teens. Even the most responsible teen is unpredictable, excitable, and inexperienced. Even the best teenage driver is prone to accidents. As I like … Continue reading

9 out of 10 Teens Not Eating Their Vegetables

A new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention gave teens failing grades when it comes to eating their fruits and vegetables. Only ONE teen out of ten in the United States is getting their recommended daily amount of fruits and veggies. Looks like a lot of kids are going to have to stay after class… for a healthy snack. The news is bad: Only 13% of high school students eat three servings of vegetables daily. Only 32% of high school students eat two servings of fruit daily. Less than one out of every ten kids eat … Continue reading

Teens and Self Esteem

After watching a story on the Today show about teens wanting plastic surgery, I could only think that this was a symptom of a bigger problem. Teens who linger on the imperfections in their body, are generally suffering from a case of low self esteem. Sure, there may be some things about their body, anyone’s body, that they would want to change, especially if mom and dad have already changed those same features. Still, for a teen to be willing to trade the pain of the knife for a perfect nose or less giggly middle, I have to wonder if … Continue reading

Why won’t my teens go to sleep?

I love it when women start talking about the age when their child first slept through the night. You might hear, “my baby started sleeping through the night at 3 months”. or “my child didn’t sleep through the night until he was 4 years old”. I like to chime in, “my baby has never slept through the night… she is almost 13”. While my daughter’s sleeping habits are strange and unique (she describes herself as nocturnal), teens are notorious for staying up as late as humanly possible. Until recently, I, and many people I spoke to thought that this tendency … Continue reading

Health Risks Related to Teen Pregnancy

Teen pregnancy continues to be a problem around the world, despite lower teen pregnancy rates. There are health risks specific to teen pregnancy that pregnant teens and parents should discuss with the doctor or midwife. In addition, teen mothers need to be educated about the risks and the importance of nutrition and prenatal care. According to the March of Dimes, teens are at a higher risk of preterm birth, compared to older mothers. The March of Dimes reports that between the years of 2002 to 2004, the preterm birth rate for women 20-29 years old was 11.7 percent. For women … Continue reading

Teaching and Raising Successful Teens Continued

In my previous article, I began discussing the 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens as described by Sean Covey. The teenage years can be difficult for students, teachers, and parents. It is important that teachers and parents work together to create a safe and positive environment for children. As with adults, it is important for teens to learn what things in life are more important and should be put first. Students must learn that academics, health, and true friends are more valuable in life than popularity, clothing, and material items. Many adults have a hard time learning this concept. The … Continue reading

Coping With Holiday and Vacation Illnesses

When my kids were younger, it seemed we never had a vacation or holiday without at least one of them getting sick. There were fevers on camping trips and cross-country drives, colds over Christmas and Easter break, and just about any time we planned a “get-away” someone got sick. Often several someones got sick. What is it about holidays and vacations that seem to set the stage for family illnesses? There always seemed to be two parts to dealing with the holiday and vacation illnesses—one was the attempt to prevent them, and the other was how to cope and take … Continue reading