Reasons Parents Should talk to Their Teens About Pregnancy

It might be uncomfortable, but it is important that parents talk with their teens about pregnancy. Having that discussion, in a non-judgmental way, can inspire a teen to really open up and ask the questions that are on their mind. It can also help build trust between you and your teen. That’s important if you want them to come to you for answers about pregnancy in the future. Make sure you speak with your daughters and your sons. The teen pregnancy rate in the United States is high. The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate among countries that … Continue reading

Should Teens Read “50 Shades of Grey”?

I generally don’t like to comment or offer my opinion on something I don’t have personal knowledge of. So I will make a disclaimer up front…I have never read (nor do I ever plan to read) “50 Shades of Grey.” However, as a blogger covering teen topics and the mother of three teens, I have deep concerns over the rising popularity of this book. I am hearing more and more that it isn’t just adult women pouring over the pages; teens are also jumping on the bandwagon. Here is what I do know…I have read enough reviews and heard enough … Continue reading

Having the Sex Talk

Here in my city, Milwaukee, the United Way has issued a new campaign called, “Let’s Talk.” It is a program designed to talk to teens about sex in order to prevent statutory rape. In Milwaukee, teen pregnancy is a significant issue (as it likely is in many other large cities across the United States). But one unique problem is the high number of children born to teens who are fathered by adult males. There are some pretty bold ads being placed on bus stops across the city. They depict older men inside teen girl’s bedrooms and say things like, “She … Continue reading

Teens Views on Sex

Earlier this week I read that the “National Center for Health Statistics” conducted a survey of over 4,500 teens, in which they were asked questions about sexual activity. Apparently the majority of teens don’t fear getting a sexually transmitted disease. However the ones that are most likely to abstain from sex are those who do so for religious reasons. I don’t understand how there isn’t a fear of sexually transmitted diseases. Perhaps they were not given graphic details, such as I shared with my children when they reached a certain age. I didn’t just tell them you can get gonorrhea, … Continue reading

Inexpensive books for teens

Is your teen an avid reader? Keeping a prolific reader stocked with plenty of reading material is no easy task. Many teen books are written in serial format, and it may seem like there is always just one more that your teen simply must read. In general, it takes a long time for these new books to appear in local libraries, and that means that if your teen wants to read them, someone must purchase the books. If this describes your teenager, you can get a great deal on books for teens right now, at Barnes & Noble. Check out … Continue reading

The NET worth of a sexual predator.

Sexual predators defraud where ever and when ever they can. Like trolls prettied up as princes, they permeate every part of society and pick their targets from where ever they can access them: including the internet. They know no class or gender bounds; they instead pick anyone who falls for their fraudulent and cowardly manipulation. Their net casts over us all, yes, even those members on Be careful, be warned, be vigilant of whom you share personal information with. I have already had a dubious contact through It was dealt with, the person banned immediately, and there has … Continue reading

Sexual Song Lyrics and Early Sexual Activity Linked

Does the music that your teen listens to affect their sexual behavior? According to a study recently reported in the August 2006 issue of Pediatrics the answer is yes. The study, done by the Rand Corporation in conjunction with the University of California, links the exposure to degrading sexually explicit lyrics to early sexual activity in teenagers. Researchers conducted telephone interviews with about 1,000 youth over a three-year period. They evaluated the music that each teen listened to as well as 18 other behaviors known to be linked to sexual behavior. Researchers found that “teens who reported they listened to … Continue reading

Studies Show Teens Sexual Behavior Influenced By Media Content

How much does the media influence teens sexual behavior? New studies document the startling results. Why researchers did the study? Approximately 2/3 of television programming contains some sexual material. But studies have not been done “examining the relationships between exposure to sex on TV and adolescent sexual behaviors.” So researches answered the question in two independent studies. RAND, a research corporation, in conjunction with the University of California conducted the first study and the University of North Carolina conducted the second. Who did the researchers study? The researchers surveyed teenagers, ages 12 to 17, about their television viewing habits, sexual … Continue reading

Taylor Swift the Prude

What does it say about our society when a celebrity is getting bashed for apparently not “putting out” often enough?  Teen heartthrob Harry Styles from One Direction has had enough of Taylor Swift’s prudish ways and is moving on. Yet a current events television show was making fun of her.  Personally, I would like to applaud her.  But I would go even further and give her a standing ovation if she could say that she was saving herself for marriage. I know…that is so old-fashioned, right?  Virginity is outdated, right? Actually, the concept of virginity seems to only be okay … Continue reading

Having “The Talk”

Are you uncomfortable talking to your teenager about sex? There can be a variety of reasons that parents feel unease. Uncovering what is causing your discomfort can make “the talk” easier. One of the things that can be difficult is talking to a child of the opposite sex. It is usually best if moms talk to their daughters and fathers to their sons. But if that isn’t possible, for whatever reason, don’t let that stop you from discussing the topic. I knew that I had to be the one to have “the talk” with my oldest son. My husband had … Continue reading