Texting Your Child While in School

During a particularly difficult time for my daughter, she sent me a text one day from school. She needed to tell me something. I responded, she responded, I responded…it turned into a 20 minute “texting” conversation. All of this was while she was in a class. I felt a twinge of guilt. Should I really be texting my daughter while she is in school? I’m sure most parents would say no. But the circumstances wouldn’t allow me to say, “We’ll talk about it later.” The reality is that she may not have been ready to discuss what she was. Now … Continue reading

Dangers of Distracted Walking

We have all heard of distracted driving. But a recent tragedy has me not only thinking about but talking about distracted walking. An extremely tragic accident occurred last week in the city I live in. An 11-year-old boy was walking to school when he was fatally struck by a train. He was listening to music through his earbuds, so he couldn’t hear the train. He also had his hood up, so he didn’t see it either. There has been an outpouring of love and support from the entire community to the mother. I have been praying daily for God to … Continue reading

ALFA Insurance Holds Video Contest

Hopefully, your teenager doesn’t mix texting and driving, but many of them do. It is actually against the law in many states, (but not all), to text while you are driving your vehicle. ALFA Insurance wants to make teenagers aware of the dangers of texting while driving, and they are doing it in the form of a contest. If you, and your teenager, live in Alabama, and can make a video, you could win the contest. The idea behind the video contest is to encourage teenagers to put down the phone while they are driving. If you live in a … Continue reading

Texting While Driving Now Banned in Wisconsin

Just yesterday, December 1, 2010, Wisconsin became the 30th state to enforce a new law that prohibits texting while driving. I was very happy to report that to my son who has his learner’s permit. Of course it opened up a whole discussion about what constitutes texting while driving. For instance, is it considered texting while driving if you just look at a message? I was glad to answer those questions. While there can definitely be a fine line between what falls under texting while driving, I simply referred to what the Milwaukee County Sheriff said in a newscast I … Continue reading