Vacuum Fears Part II

It never crossed my mind that my children would be scared of the vacuum cleaner. From the moment my son experienced the sights and sounds of the vacuum cleaner, he was terrified. After lots of tears and exercise (he was always running away), my son and I fell into a vacuuming routine. First I would announce that I am going to vacuum which of course required picking up all the toys, clothes, papers, etc that were scattered all over the floor. Then we would move side tables, chairs, and other small pieces of furniture out of the way. Finally, I … Continue reading

Helping Your Child Overcome Shyness

My son is naturally shy. Researchers claim that it’s a genetic trait. So in reality, my son’s shyness does not surprise me at all. As a child, I wouldn’t even play games at my friend’s birthday parties. I had an intense fear of failure and I was worried the kids wouldn’t like me. Looking back, the fears were highly irrational, but try telling that to a six year old little girl! I had a few close friends, but I didn’t branch out too much. I was well liked and very focused in school, but when it came to social settings, … Continue reading

The 3-4-year Old and Irrational Fears

It can come as a big surprise to parents of gregarious babies and toddlers when they suddenly develop intense, unpredictable and seemingly irrational fears. Usually, somewhere around the age of three or so, many children start to get fearful of things they hadn’t noticed before and for a parent, it can seem to come out of nowhere. They might suddenly be afraid of taking a bath for fear of going down the drain, they might start having nightmares of being afraid of ghosts, or something might happen in their every-day life that gets magnified into a big fear. What can … Continue reading