Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Mood

Everyone has a bad day sometimes, but how does your child generally look at the world? Does your child always have a smile on her face? Is he usually serious? Is he usually happy? Is she always complaining about something? Positive Every parent wants a positive child, the child that looks for the best in others, themselves, and the world and then finds it. The positive child will make the best of any situation. They will be slower to anger and get over hurt feelings easier. They will look for the good in people. The positive child is not one … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Persistence

How persistent is your child? Is she willing to wait to have her needs met? Does he insist on getting things now? Does your child quickly give up and move on when a task is difficult? Does she react strongly when interrupted? Persistent Persistence can be both a positive and a negative trait. The child who works on a difficult puzzle is labeled patient, yet if they refuse tostop working when asked they are labeled as stubborn. Recognizing this trait will save you, as a parent, a lot of grief. When your child starts a task they will want to … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Adaptability

How easy does your child adapt to transitions? If your child doesn’t mind changes in their routine and easily transitions from activity to activity them they have high adaptability. If they don’t like changes and have a hard time adjusting to new situations they have low adaptability. Low Adaptability Has your child ever cried when you said it was time to put the puzzle away and go to the park? That is because the child with low adaptability has a hard time with transitions. Even though going to the park is an enjoyable activity they were involved in the puzzle … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Approach/Withdrawal

Approach or withdrawal explains your child’s response to new situations or people. Does your child eagerly approach a roomful of strangers? Do they cry whenever you leave them? Does your child like to go places or cry/resist when taken somewhere new? Approach The approachable child loves to meet new people and go new places. Life is an adventure that they eagerly embrace. Going to a new school or attending daycare is viewed as an opportunity to make new friends. They are confident and sure of themselves around strangers. When they are in a new place they will feel free to … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Sensory Threshold

Sensory threshold is how sensitive your child is to their physical environment things like: sound, taste, temperature, and touch. Does your baby startle easily? Is your child a picky eater or will she eat anything? Can your baby sleep through anything? Does your child like certain types of clothing? Do you have to cut out the tags on your child’s clothes? After falling down do they quickly get up and continue playing? Insensitive This doesn’t mean your child doesn’t have feelings just that they aren’t as sensitive to their physical environment. This is the child that isn’t fazed by loud … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Regularity

Regularity describes how predictable your child’s biological functions are. Does your infant always eat every two hours? Do they take a nap at the same time everyday? Does your child stay up late or get up early? Are they never hungry at mealtime, and prefer to eat at odd hours? Regularity This child has a strong internal clock. They have a set eating, sleeping, and even pooping pattern, that is comparable to yours. They are easy to schedule around because you know when they will need attention. Although they do not easily adapt to changes in their routine, and will … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Intensity

Intensity is in reference to your child’s energy response and how loud they are. Does your infant respond loudly and strongly to everything? Do they cry whenever anything upsets them? Is your child dramatic? Does your child show strong emotions? Or does your child get quiet when upset? Low Intensity The low intensity child does not cry often. They don’t express their displeasure or joy easily. It is hard to tell exactly how they are feeling. This child requires you to ask how things are going. Ask if something upsets them. You will need to look for physical signs of … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Distractibility

Distractibility is the degree of concentration that your child possesses. You’re your infant turn at every noise, even when engaged in an activity like feeding or playing with a toy? When you toddler wants something that they can’t have is it easy to distract them with something else? Or does he insist on the object of his desire? When asked to do something does your child quickly accomplish the task or do they become easily sidetracked? Easily Distracted When a child is young this trait is a lifesaver. If your child gets into something you can easily distract them with … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Activity Level

A child’s activity level refers to how active your child is on a regular basis. Is your baby content to lie still or are they constantly wiggling? Can your child sit still and listen or do they have to get up and move around? Less Active Child Obviously a child who is less active is easier to deal with in most situations. You don’t have to worry about them running away from you or crawling out of the cart in the grocery store, like my daughter does. I envy parents with less active children as their children sit quietly at … Continue reading

The 9 Temperamental Traits

What is temperament? Temperament is a set of traits that helps determine your child’s personality, and in turn their behavior. These traits are inherent from birth, and will most likely remain through adulthood. These characteristics help explain why a child likes to be cuddled, or is constantly moving. Learning about temperament helps parents understand why their children react to certain situations and avoid difficulties. Temperament Traits These traits were developed through careful research compiled and conducted by Doctors Chess and Thomas. Activity Level: is how active your child is most of the time. Is your infant always wiggling? Does he … Continue reading