The Horror of Cyber Bullying

I read a story today of a 15 year old girl who committed suicide this week because of the relentless bullying she was getting both at school and online. A month before her death she posted a youtube video sharing her story in hopes that it would help someone else going through the same thing. I’m not sure why her story stuck with me so much, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it all night. This girl was absolutely beautiful and incredibly talented, yet even in death, there were many cruel comments posted on the video. I … Continue reading

Preventing Cyber Bullying

Unsupervised kids and the internet are a bad combination. As a single mother it’s almost impossible to watch your child every second they are on the computer. Somehow, we must, until they are old enough to really understand the dangers it is our job to protect them from themselves. Young girls do not understand that people are not always who they say they are, that boy from the next town they are chatting with may very well be a grown man preying on young girls. There are many ways to protect kids online, the biggest being keeping the computer in … Continue reading

Helping Your Child Deal With Bullying

Kids can be just plain cruel these days and it is only getting worse. It seems they are finding the silliest things to tease each other about. Just this week my cousin was complaining that the kids were bullying her daughter for having red hair. Of all things to be teased about! This little girl is beautiful, but her self-esteem has been crushed by the mean things that the other kids are saying at school every day. How can we expect our children to go to school every day when they don’t feel safe there? The whole situation breaks my … Continue reading

October is Anti-Bullying Month

October is National Anti-Bullying Month. Children who have special needs are especially vulnerable to becoming a victim of bullying. Now is a good time for parents of kids who have special needs to investigate what your child’s school experience is like. One way to bring awareness to something is to have an entire month dedicated to it. October is National Anti-Bullying month. To me, this seems like an excellent choice of month to bring awareness to this particular problem. The new school year started a few weeks ago. Now is a good time to remind people about the effects of … Continue reading

Bystanders to Bullying

I have written a number of blogs on the topic of bullying but a recent “Dateline” special got me thinking about another aspect of bullying…the role of a bystander. As one expert on the show said, “Bystanders are absolutely the most critical part of stopping bullying.” She said that most bystanders tend to think they are doing the right thing, by not participating. They think they are in a neutral position. However by refusing to intervene and stop the bullying, they are really siding with the bully. I had never given much thought to that. I have talked to my … Continue reading

Bullying Leads to a Suicide Pact

Suicide is such a devastating way to go. Recently two 8th grade girls (who were also best friends), Haylee Fentress and Paige Moravetz, made a suicide pact. The reason? They were being ostracized and bullied by others. Both girls left behind a note for their families. Bullying continues to be a huge problem today. Although bullying has always existed, it seems to have reached new levels…in some part, no thanks to technology. There are some who believe that bullying is just a part of childhood and that those who are victims need to somehow suck it up and deal with … Continue reading

Abilitypath Website Wants To Disable Bullying

Few kids can make it all the way through the public school system, from kindergarten to high school graduation, without experiencing being bullied. It’s a problem that has found it’s way off school grounds, and into social media. Children who have a special need are especially vulnerable to being bullied, for a number of reasons. has information that parents and teachers can use to help disable bullying. Bullying should never be looked at as a “right of passage”, or as a “normal” part of attending school. It is a form of victimization where those who are stronger pick on … Continue reading

The Office Bully: It Doesn’t Stop in the Classroom

Although the term “bully” immediately sets off an image of a kid in the school playground holding court with his or her power, bullying actually continues well into life and surprisingly even exists in the nursing home environment. It seems, once a bully, always a bully. Although much is written on bullying in the playground, the office environment is a haven for bullies. As just as everyone knows in the playground who the bully is and who the victim or victims are and are afraid to speak out, this phenomenon also occurs in the office. Let’s look at the case … Continue reading

Parents and Teachers Need to Work Together to Stop Bullying

The Dr. Phil season has barely kicked off and already I am seeing him tackle a lot of teen issues. The biggest one on his plate is bullying. He has already done a couple of shows on teen bullying and is now starting an anti-bullying campaign. Like Dr. Phil, I too believe this is a serious issue. With technological advances in our society, bullying has been taken to a whole new degree. As I have said before, the bullying has to stop. One of the things that I feel would greatly help to stop bullying is if parents and teachers … Continue reading

Talk to Your Teens about Bullying

Today I continue blogging about the recent Dateline special that featured segments on issues like teens and technology, allowing strangers into the home and what I am going to talk about today, bullying. The producers of Dateline staged a casting call for a fake reality television show. The first part of this segment featured a group of five middle school girls, with three of them being actors. The other two girls were being secretly watched by their parents through hidden cameras. The idea was to see how the two girls would react when the actors pretended to bully one particular … Continue reading