My Struggle with Kindergarten Playtime

I have read all of the research and I will agree that kindergarten children need playtime. Many articles will suggest never sacrificing playtime for more instructional time. However with today’s pressures and rising standards, it is sometimes difficult to find time to allow children the opportunity for free play. There are three obstacles that I am in need of conquering in order to provide my students with the creative playtime that they deserve. The challenge becomes even harder during the winter months when weather does not permit going outside. My kindergarten classroom is equipped with creative play materials. I have … Continue reading

Why Not More Play?

We chat a great deal amidst and amongst these blogs and forums about the work of parenting–the have tos and shoulds and oughtas, but as I’m sitting here this morning in my crispy, crunchy sunny Pacific Northwest, I am actually thinking about days off, holidays, vacations, trips to the park, silly games, dates, outings and PLAY…why not a little focus on more play? Everything has to be so very organized–I’m the first person to stand up and confess that my name is Kori and I completely over-organize everything. Regardless of how naturally spontaneous I may be in the very core … Continue reading

Wash Tubs , Play Dough Containers & Shoe Hangers – a Few Clever Craft Storage Tools

I have always been an avid crafter. I love to paint, create with clay, draw and build. Needless to say, I have a pretty chaotic craft room, or as my husband not-so-politely calls it…a “crap” room. My craft room became even more cluttered when my daughter turned three. She definitely got my crafty…(and slightly disorganized) genes. Suddenly my already crazy craft room was also filled with preschooler essentials like coloring books, crayons, beads, buttons, tissue paper, and left over toilet paper rolls. In an attempt to regain order, I came up with a few creative ways to store all of … Continue reading

The Lasting Power of Play Dough

One of my eldest daughter’s treasured Christmas presents this year was a 24-pack of play dough that she received from one of her best friends. Now, this probably isn’t news or even slightly interesting to most parents, but my eldest will be seventeen in a matter of weeks. On Christmas day, as a matter of fact, she and my second daughter (who will be sixteen) scooted off the red holiday dining room tablecloth and played with the play dough for close to an hour. It was amazing all the very creative little sculptures they came up and I was pretty … Continue reading

Never Too Old for Bath Toys

We don’t have any little ones around our house currently–unless you count the 18 month-old cat who we inherited from an acquaintance who couldn’t handle her “wildness.” But, even with the youngest human family member being nearly fifteen–we’ve clung to some of our “toys.” For example, we haven’t been able to part with the basket of bath toys… Now, granted, we do not still have the SAME bath toys we had when the children were little. Our toys have been updated and added to over the years. In fact, most of the ones we have now are in excellent shape … Continue reading

Want to Keep Your Child Entertained on the Go? Try a Journal!

When my children were small, keeping them entertained and amused while we were running errands, going to appointments or even visiting relatives was a huge challenge. As most of you know, bored kids cause trouble. The more bored they get, the crankier they get and soon, everyone is crabby and stressed and the outing is a bust. I stumbled across journals as one way to keep kids entertained and focused when were out and about. We made a big fuss over our “journals.” For my kids, since many of the adults in their lives (mom, grandparents, etc.) kept both writing … Continue reading

When You’re Exhausted

Do you ever have those days—when you’re going a mile a minute—when your thoughts are having trouble keeping up with all you need to get done? What do you do when you’ve got a mountain of “stuff” that must be done, but at the same time, your kids are wanting your attention? You breathe. You are not a “bad” mom if you cannot give everything to everyone at the exact moment that they claim to need it. You are not a “bad” mom if your children spend an entire day watching television because you’re working from home and have a … Continue reading