“Dads Don’t Babysit” Shirt Sparks Conversation

There are certain stereotypes about parenting that persist despite the fact that the world has changed. One of them is the concept that dads are not able to take care of their own children. One dad has gotten so fed-up about being called a “babysitter” that he has created a t-shirt designed to crush that stereotype. Al Ferguson is a British writer who is the founder of the Dad Network. It is a blog dedicated to the art of modern fatherhood. It is an online hub and support network for dads. You might be familiar with “mommy blogs” – but … Continue reading

Dads are Important, Too!

A few months ago, a book was released that emphasized the important role that dads have. It is possible that the book may have influenced some parents to take a moment and think about the importance of dads and whether society might need to update its idea of what dads can do. Let me begin by clearly stating that I think that both dads and moms are very important to their children. Each can have a very strong influence. Whether that influence is positive or negative depends largely on the individual choices each parent makes. A book called Do Fathers … Continue reading

Man Locks Self in Kennel to Help Homeless Animals

Over the past few weeks I’ve read a couple stories indicating a possibly growing new trend: humans locking themselves in animal shelters to raise awareness for pet safety and rights. In the first, a woman lived in a small, cramped space for a week, live streaming the whole thing online. The point was to raise awareness for the conditions under which dogs are often forced to live in puppy mills and similar facilities. Then at the beginning of the month, according to the Miami Herald, a man moved into a dog run (a kennel) for a weekend to promote an … Continue reading

“Who’s Your Daddy?” DNA Clinic Answers Genealogy Questions

“Who’s Your Daddy?” is a mobile DNA testing facility. The purpose is to provide paternity testing for whomever comes in to request it. This could answer many questions genealogists have about their own family tree. Some wonder whether people are ready for this type of information. Paternity testing isn’t something new. It has been done for years. You may have watched a television program that revealed the results of a paternity test in front of a live, in studio, audience. Paternity testing is a good way to find a scientific, accurate, answer to the question of who the biological father … Continue reading

Dude, You’re Gonna Be a Dad!

Dude, You’re Gonna Be a Dad! How to get (both of you) through the next 9 months. By John Pfeiffer My brother and his wife are expecting their first baby. As an avid reader my gift is always books. I went to the bookstore and bought books for my sister in law and my favorite book for the baby, Love You Forever, and I noticed they had books for Dad’s. I bought this one for my brother and it’s hilarious! The book is broken up by trimester to tell the new dad everything he should expect, with a touch of … Continue reading

The Man Called “Dad”

Forget about the flailing economy, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, and other international and domestic upheavals, according to President Barack Obama, being a father to his two young daughters is one of his toughest jobs… but also the most rewarding. In honor of Father’s Day, the president devoted his Saturday radio and Internet address to fatherhood, and didn’t shy away from speaking about his own perceived failings as dad to daughters Malia, 12, and Sasha, 10. Obama also spoke about growing up without his own father. “I felt his absence. And I wonder what my life would have … Continue reading

Stay at Home Dads are Worth A Lot!

Over the years, the role of a father in family life has changed considerably. Traditionally, dads went to work while moms stayed home with the kids. Now, however, stay at home dads have become more common, and more accepted. Have you ever wondered what those dads would earn if you accounted for all the work they do at home? Life insurance is designed to give your family some financial assistance after you have passed away. People understand that their life insurance policy needs to be enough to cover the salary of the spouse that the policy is for. Most people … Continue reading

Society’s Perception: Moms vs. Dads

So much has been said and written about author Rahna Reiko Rizzuto’s decision to give up primary physical custody of her kids, so she could move to Japan to pursue her career—–most of it is far from flattering. Actually, most of it is scathing. In her book, “Hiroshima in the Morning,” Rizzuto explains why she “didn’t want to be a mother” anymore and what precipitated her decision to leave her husband and two young kids, so she could interview atomic bomb survivors in Japan. According to Rizzuto, she left her family for four months in order to complete research for … Continue reading

Autism vs. The Junkyard Man

Now that I have long since reached the acceptance stage with my seventeen-year-old son Kyle and his autism, I’m able to enjoy the precious, wonderful quirks that make him so unique. His matter-of-fact approach to the oddities of life brings humor into even the most mundane or tense moments. I’m grateful for that. I look back at the early years when autism felt like a horrible intruder in our lives–a vicious thief– and now see a different side. Kyle is the greatest teacher, the most tender friend, and the sweetest surprise life has decided to give me. A few weeks … Continue reading

Another Real Bad Dad

Move over Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson, Jon Gosselin, “Slumdog” star pop, and the rest of you so-called “bad dads,” the feds have declared a new winner in the race for the world’s worst father. U.S. Marshals maintain that when it comes to pathetic parents Byron Perkins takes the cake. In 2005, the 40-year-old father pleaded guilty to drug and weapons charges in federal court. Perkins was sentenced to jail and remained there until last year when his young son became deathly ill and needed a kidney transplant to survive. Perkins begged a judge to release him on bond so he … Continue reading