A Green Prom Dress

We have quite a prom dress controversy brewing here in Tennessee. A student, Texanna Edwards, thought it would be a good idea to wear a dress that resembled a Confederate flag to her high school prom in Gibson County. When she mentioned it to a teacher, the teacher warned Edwards that the dress might not be acceptable. Sure enough, school officials deemed it “offensive and inappropriate” and Edwards wasn’t allowed inside the prom, despite the fact that the dress contained the school colors. In Memphis, prom is a huge deal and several companies are offering dresses for rent. This is … Continue reading

The Prom—Part Four—Wrapping Up

Well, we survived the prom—of course, just one more of those milestones in family life that come and go in a flurry of anticipation and effort. Judging from the digital pictures and the exhausted teenagers, it looks as though all the effort and energy was worth it and it was a good, memorable time, at least for my daughter and her friends. Yesterday afternoon as we were downloading the photos from the camera—included the “before” photos of my daughter and her friend in sweats and curlers, the “process” pictures as we came up with hair dos and I stood in … Continue reading

The Prom–Part Three–Staging

After three plus weeks of fuss and planning, tonight is the night. The prom has finally arrived. We’ve had dress drama and date drama and all sorts of drama in between. I’ve got the alterations made and today is dedicated to pedicures and manicures and hair dos. Somehow, our house has become the “staging area” and I will not be the only parent sitting here tonight with camera and hair spray in hand. Would it be cold-hearted and un-motherly of me to admit that I’m looking forward to having this year’s prom be over? I really can’t complain–my daughter has … Continue reading

The Prom—Part Two (The “Date” Changed)

One thing that parenthood has taught me is to expect the unexpected. Just because I think I’ve seen it all, does not mean I have. In fact, as soon as I get a little cocky about how seasoned I am as a veteran parent, life hands me some amazing little surprises. Some of these surprises are anything but fun, but others add a little sparkle to my life. I’ve written before about my eldest daughter’s prom this spring. This is our first prom so I am into commemorating the adventure. I found out yesterday, however, that there have been some … Continue reading