The Simpler Times

One of the concerns raised by many when it comes to teens and social media is that it replaces personal interaction. I have heard many people say that teenagers don’t know how to talk anymore because texting and other forms of technology have taken over. Well that may not necessarily be true, according to research done by “Commonsense Media.” In fact, you might be surprised to learn that some teens would rather do without. The study involved the first generation of 13 and 17 year olds to go through a vast array of media and technological devices. In other words, … Continue reading

It’s Ok to Cry

I don’t know anyone who’s gone through a divorce without a few tears along the way. The whole process is incredibly painful, whether you were the one that wanted the divorce or not. No one ever gets married with the intent of getting divorced. You expect to grow old with that person, to live happily ever after, and for whatever reason that just isn’t going to happen anymore. Life the way you know it is suddenly very, very different. Divorce changes everything. It is natural to feel a wide array of emotions at this time. I felt as if I … Continue reading

Teens at Greatest Risk of Pedestrian Injuries

When my kids were younger, I remember one of my biggest fears was they would get hit by a car. I can’t quite recall how old they were before I let them cross the street alone, but they will probably tell you it was much later than it should have been. So now that they are teens, this shouldn’t be such a huge concern…right? Wrong. A surprising new study released this week by Safe Kids says that teens have the greatest risk of suffering pedestrian injuries. This is quite a change from a couple of decades ago when children between … Continue reading

Back to School & Baby

This past week marked back to school for my oldest. I will miss having her around! She is such a big help to me in so many ways. She keeps her 3 year old brother entertained, and is always willing to help out with her baby brother too. Sometimes, she will climb into his crib in the morning to play with him. She will always go into wherever he might be fussing if I am in the middle of something if I ask her to and entertain him for a few minutes. She can make him smile like no other … Continue reading

National Simplify Your Life Week

Guess what the first week of August is? It is “National Simplify Your Life Week.” How many of us could use some of that? Although this could apply to a variety of areas in our lives, I can’t help but think of how we could simplify things in our home. Everything from the clutter we collect to the chores that overwhelm us. I think sometimes we make things in life, including the keeping of our home, to be so much more complicated than is necessary. We can’t find things yet we do nothing about the fact that our closets are … Continue reading

Beware of KIK Messenger

As the parent of three teens, I try to keep up with the latest trends. But they are developing at breakneck speeds that I sometimes miss out. Take the latest one, KIK messenger, a way to send text messages that a parent might not know about. In fact, it was only because a friend of mine discovered it on her teen’s electronic devices that I did some investigating and found my two youngest were using it. With their cell phones I can at least monitor the phone numbers through our cell phone provider’s account and ask questions. I can do … Continue reading

Routines Are Good For Toddlers And Parents Too

Many toddlers (and their parents) benefit from having routines that they follow on a daily basis. Routines do not have to be rigid or make you feel trapped. For toddlers, routines provide a sense of order which helps them to feel secure because they know what they can usually expect to be happening and when. As your toddler grows, routines can even help him or her to learn things like how to tell time and days of the week. For adults, routines are a great time management tool which can help them to get the things they need to do … Continue reading

Changing My Name

By now I’m sure that you can tell that feminist issues are a very big deal for me. It even took a bit of coaxing from my parents for me to walk down the aisle with my dad; I did it for him, because it was important to him, but I don’t like the idea of being passed off from one man’s hands to another. Yet one thing about my decisions related to my married life really stands out: I took my husband’s name. I’ll admit it rankled a little, just the idea that I erase a part of myself … Continue reading

Standardized Insurance Forms are On the Way!

Starting next year, there will be new, easier to understand, insurance forms. These forms will be standardized, and insurance companies would be required to use them. This will make it much easier for consumers to compare health insurance plans, in order to find out which one is best for them. The new, standardized, health insurance forms were released today by the Department of Health and Human Services. Consumers will be receiving these six page forms beginning on March 23, 2012. These forms were created after several different surveys showed that most Americans find it difficult to understand and select health … Continue reading

Tips for Dealing With Survival Mode

Survival mode. When you hear this term used in reference to personal finance, it means that a person of family is on the edge of financial disaster. When a person or family is operating in financial survival mode, stress levels escalate. Their thoughts become predominated with how they are going to get the food, gas, rent and other necessities that they need when they need them or how they will do without until they can get them. Survival mode is no fun for anyone. If parents are stressed out about money, their children feel the effects because they are less … Continue reading