New Jersey has a Baby Box Initiative

New Jersey has become the first state to adopt what has been called the Baby Box initiative. The idea comes from Finland and is also used in Canada. The main purpose of the program is to reduce the chances of sudden infant death syndrome. The New Jersey Baby Box Initiative was inspired by the Finnish Baby Box intervention, which has led to Finland having the lowest infant mortality rates in the world. New Jersey’s Child Fatality & Near Fatality Review Board (CFNFRB) now offers free Baby Boxes to every new or expecting family in New Jersey. The Baby Box itself … Continue reading

“Hypo-Parenting” is Not a Parenting Style

Have you ever wished that you could hypnotize your children so they would behave the way you wanted them to? One parent has been doing exactly that, though there is no science to support the idea that hypnosis is an effective parenting tool. Lisa Macheberg is a hypnotherapist who has three children. She says she started hypnotizing her children the help them get through the night without wetting the bed. She didn’t stop there, though. She now uses hypnotizing as a tool to help her kids deal with range of problems from performance anxiety to difficulty focusing. In an ABC … Continue reading

Mistake #4 Parents Make With Teenagers: Making Molehills Out of Mountains

In my last few blogs I’ve tackled three mistakes that parents make, expecting the worse, looking for parenting answers in others, and making mountains out of molehills.  Now I’m going to do a little bit of a reverse in parenting mistake #4, which is making molehills out of mountains. Just as parents can make a big deal out of something not so significant, the opposite is true.  However, this is probably one of the most dangerous mistakes that parents can make. Whenever parents suspect a serious issue is going on, it’s important to take action.  The problem is that we … Continue reading

Toddlers and Teenagers

Oh, the strong will that a toddler can possess! I clearly remember those days of my two and three year olds wanting to do their own thing. Who would have ever thought I would revisit those years when they became teenagers? I have never told my teens that they act like toddlers. But in my mind I am often brought back to that time of the word, “No!” They stand their ground, ready to do battle. And the same can happen during these sometimes tumultuous years. Here is the big difference. It may have sometimes been with some kicking and … Continue reading

Parenting Is Hard Work

Even though I have been a parent for a relatively short time, almost three years to be exact, I am acutely aware of just how tough of a job it is. When I had my first baby, I learned that it was not easy to keep up with his needs let alone take care of myself and my home. As Dylan grew so did his needs, and taking care of him became even more challenging. At the same time, despite the challenges of raising a toddler there are also many rewards. Things like watching him master new pieces of playground … Continue reading

Is Parenting An Act of Service?

My husband and I were watching Elder Ballard’s talk last night titled, “Be Anxiously Engaged“. He spoke mostly of how much better the world would be if we were like the worker bees that worked together and were constantly doing our part to provide service to our fellow man. I totally agree. If we can find those people in need, and serve them, then our lives will be happier, and the world will be a better place. However, after the talk was over, I turned to my husband and asked him, “Does attending to every need my three small children … Continue reading

Transition from Parenting to Friend

One thing I am learning as a parent is that letting go is a process. Although a child may have physically moved out of the home, there is still an emotional separation that has to happen. In addition, you are navigating new waters when it comes to your relationship. You don’t stop being a parent but you definitely stop parenting. For eight-and-a-half weeks my son was in basic training. Although I no longer had control over him, his training instructors did. In the past few days I have come to realize that deep down I found a sort of comfort … Continue reading

My Brave Year of Firsts

When was the last time your child’s bedtime story included details on the book’s main character crashing her two-wheeler and her mom recording the entire incident on an iPhone? Not exactly Goodnight Moon, but this is 2012, baby. If you are looking for a book modern-day kids can really relate to, then My Brave Year of Firsts is sure to be a fast favorite. While the playfully written page-turner has a classic theme–celebrating the triumphs and tribulations associated with a child’s major milestones–its approach is far from traditional. Actress turned bestselling children’s book author Jamie Lee Curtis and award-winning illustrator … Continue reading

Treat Yourself and Your Child

Labor Day is the last taste of freedom for millions of school kids across the country. Once Tuesday morning rolls around it’s back to the old grind. The first week back to school is typically fraught with challenges, as parents and children get reacclimated to nights filled with homework, extra curricular activities and last-minute dashes to the store for missing school supplies. In the midst of all the back-to-school chaos, dinner often gets overlooked and before moms and dads know it, bedtime is fast approaching and they’re looking around for a quick meal to serve up before herding the kids … Continue reading

Health Dangers for Videogame Junkies

I have to admit that I do have a videogame junkie living in my home. If I don’t monitor and control his playing time, we could probably go days without hearing a peep from him. While the obsession with playing videogames is oftentimes something joked about, the recent health scare of a 15-year-old in Ohio should raise the alarm. After spending four days in his bedroom playing the game, “Modern Warfare 3,” he ended up having to be hospitalized for dehydration. He was so consumed with playing that he wasn’t getting enough liquids. It was so serious that he actually … Continue reading