If You’re Grumpy and You Know It…Read a Book!

Logan has been pretty grumpy lately. I’m not really sure why, and frankly I’m not even sure if he knows why most of the time, but I’ve been a little concerned about it for a while. I noticed the change about a month or two ago and started looking for solutions to the problem. We talked about it often and most of the time I got very little response out of him. I knew something was bothering him, but he couldn’t seem to vocalize what it was. Instead he would hit, kick, scream, and throw things. I was at a … Continue reading

TENNderCare Covers Tots, Kids, and Teens in Tennessee

Every state has its own Medicaid program. Some portion of that program is typically designed to cover newborns, children, and teenagers. In Tennessee, this program is called TENNderCare. It covers tots, kids, teenagers, and those under 21 years of age. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It provides health insurance coverage for individuals and families who are low-income and who cannot afford to buy a health plan from a private insurance company. Funding for Medicaid comes from both the federal government and also from the government of an individual state. In Tennessee, the Medicaid program … Continue reading

Special Needs Blog Week in Review – July 1 – 7, 2012

Once a week, the Special Needs Blog Week in Review gives you a brief summary of each of the blogs that appeared here in the past seven days. This is a fast way to find out about the blogs that you might have missed when they were first posted. The Special Needs Podcast Roundup went up on July 2, 2012. This week, I’d like to point out an episode of The Coffee Klatch podcast. The episode is called “The Best of the Coffee Klatch – Sensory Processing Disorder”. The episode features Dr. Lucy Miller, author of “Sensational Kids: Hope and … Continue reading

Stress and Teens

Teenagers are under a lot of stress. I’m more than a decade out of my teens and can still remember worrying about grades, going off to college, choosing a major, keeping in touch with my friends, leaving home, and a hundred other things. Kids and adults share a lot of the same sources of stress — moving, the death of a family member, family financial problems, dealing with peers. But teens also have some unique sources of stress, including: Changes in their bodies The transition between childhood and adulthood Overloading on extra-curricular activities Figuring out what comes after high school … Continue reading

Worst Father of the Year Award: And the Winner is… Alec Baldwin?

This is a tough one. It wouldn’t be, if these grown men, who were blessed with healthy children, didn’t engage in such extraordinarily despicable behavior. So does the award go to dog collar daddy, these self-centered pathetic patriarchs, or this furious father, who could use some serious anger management counseling? They are all quite deserving of the bad dad award, in my opinion, and if I hadn’t heard the latest from the poster boy of pompous pops, I’d gladly watch them duke it out for the title. But, oops, he did it again! Alec Baldwin simply refuses to learn from … Continue reading

The Uses and Management of Anger

Anger tends to be the emotion that really gets a bad rap. We parents are not supposed to get angry–anger is something to be tamed, squelched and eliminated if we are to be loving, super-parents. Well, who says? If we are to accept ALL of our children’s emotions and help them to learn how to use and manage anger in a healthy manner, then we need and get to use and manage our own anger in a healthy way… I once heard an experienced parent (one whose children were all grown) say that anger was incredibly useful as a parenting … Continue reading

Power Surge And Electrical Outages.

Homeowner and renter insurance policy holders should check their policy and be sure to understand what is and what is not covered when the power goes out. Short power interruptions often cause damage to personal property and houses. The most common and expensive damage happens when the power comes back on and a surge of electricity floods the open circuits in the house. A large blast of electricity can cause computers to lose data, electronics to overheat, malfunction of household electronic equipment such as heating systems and alarm equipment. Sometimes a surge can cause fires or the loss of electricity … Continue reading

Stress and Digestion

Stress affects most organs of the body and the stomach is no exception. Stress can cause those familiar knots in the stomach, some types of ulcers, constipation, diarrhea, poor absorption of nutrients leading to further ill health, and oversecretion of stomach acids. If all this sounds like a pain in the gut, it is! Of course, not all these conditions are caused by stress alone, but a person who is subjected to chronic stressors in their life will almost always suffer some form of digestional difficulty. It may be a sore stomach, frequent burping, heartburn or gastric reflux, or bouts … Continue reading

An Abused Woman

While we were sitting there across from the biological mother of our children one thing was obvious. When you looked at her you see finger print bruises, hand shaped bruises and what looked like a belt mark across her arms. The case workers asked her husband to leave the room as he would have to now be included in the reunification plan and they need to do some background checks on him first. We also left the room and waited with Rebecca in a room while they finished the meeting with her. When we were all out of the room … Continue reading

Selective Mutism

Selective mutism is primarily an anxiety disorder and involves a conscious decision by the child to not speak. It is classified by a persistent failure to speak in very specific situations despite the ability to do so. There is always an underlying psychological reason for the development of the disorder. Mandy is such an example of this puzzling condition. Six years old, she was a happy, well-adjusted child until her parents started having marital difficulties over a protracted time frame. When the marriage finally dissolved, her mother quickly met another man and he moved into the family home. Mandy’s two … Continue reading